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During the last decade, the evolution of computer system has been increased. This evolution is notably visible with the CHI. Whereas the first computer systems have a single online interface to interact with the user, now the computer applications are based on a graphic representation of the CHI (windows, dialogboxe, ...). This evolution of the CHI represents a transformation of the computer systems that was important because it allows users to use computers even if they are not specialists. It also permits to reduce the time of training of these users.
The use of computer systems is become widespread these last years. Nevertheless their use remains many difficulties for people who have not an experience in the computer domain. Moreover, every utilization of a system is making itself in a different way according to every person. It would be appropriated therefore to have a different CHI for each category of users. The solution that we keep to answer to these new needs is the self-adaptable CHI conception based on a modeling by agents. The principle of this new kind of CHI certainly constitutes the next important evolution of the Computer-Human Interactions.
The CHI should lean henceforth on a separation between the domain objects and objects of interface . To make this, we use the MVC model of SmallTalk [2] describes in [1]. The idea is to develop independent one user-interface of the domain. It must be especially possible to modify in part or in totality the CHI without changing the actions of the underlying application. In the setting of self-adaptive and intelligent CHI, these modifications takes place to the asks of the user or in an automatic way.
In this report, I propose a model of self-adaptive CHI based on a modelling by agents. In the section 2,I presents the reasons that brought us to design an intelligent CHI. Then, I presents in the section 3, the modelling by agents of an intelligent CHI that we have achieved. In the section 4, I present the application of these works through two systems and the implementation choices we have done. I conclude this article by the possibility to spread these works and to take them into account in industrial applications.
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