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Hadoop is the popular open source implementation of MapReduce, a powerful tool designed for deep analysis and transformation of very large data sets.  Hadoop enables you to explore complex data, using custom analyses tailored to your information and questions. Hadoop is the system that allows unstructured data to be distributed across hundreds or thousands of machines forming shared nothing clusters, and the execution of Map/Reduce routines to run on the data in that cluster.  Hadoop has its own filesystem which replicates data to multiple nodes to ensure  if one node holding data goes down, there are at least 2 other nodes from which to retrieve that piece of information.  This protects the data availability from node failure, something which is critical when there are many nodes in a cluster (aka RAID at a server level).
Hadoop has its origins in Apache Nutch, an open source web searchengine, itself a part of the Lucene project. Building a web search engine from scratch was an ambitious goal, for not only is the software required to crawl and index websites complex to write, but it is also a challenge to run without a dedicated operations team, since there are so many moving parts. It's expensive too: Mike Cafarella and Doug Cutting estimated a system supporting a 1-billion-page index would cost around half a million dollars in hardware, with a monthly running cost of $30,000 
Introduction of Hadoop
In a Hadoop cluster, data is distributed to all the nodes of the cluster as it is being loaded in. The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) will split large data files into chunks which are managed by different nodes in the cluster. In addition to this each chunk is replicated across several machines, so that a single machine failure does not result in any data being unavailable. An active monitoring system then re-replicates the data in response to system failures which can result in partial storage. Even though the file chunks are replicated and distributed across several machines, they form a single namespace, so their contents are universally accessible.


Hadoop-only deployments using the open-source version from Apache. The open-source version of Hadoop is being used for an amazing array of applications

  • Put the Right Infrastructure in PlaceThe Hadoop framework works on the principle of moving computing closer to where the data resides, and the framework typically runs on large server clusters built using standard hardware. This is where the data is stored and processed. The combination of Hadoop infrastructure with standard server platforms provides the foundation for a cost-efficient and high-performance analyticsplatform for parallel applications.The Cost of Big Data Analytic.


  • hardware and software choices made at design time can have significant impact on performance and total cost of ownership.

Setting up hadoop System Architecture

Each cluster has one ?master node? with multiple slave nodes.
The master node runs NameNode and JobTracker functions and
coordinates with the slave nodes to get the job done. The slaves
run TaskTracker, HDFS to store data, and map and reduce functions
for data computation. The basic stack includes? Pig and JAVA for
language and compilers.

Cluster? hardware setup:
-Number of nodes in cluster. Need One master node and number of slave nodes based on? project .

  • Each server capacity


  • Each node disk requirements
  • Each node processor requirement


  • Each node memory requirement
  • OS? requirements : Linux or Windows


  • Hadoop Frame work v0.20.1


Configuration requirement :

  • Java versions prior to 1.6 will not support all of the language features that Hadoop Core requires. In addition, Hadoop Core appears to run most stably with the Sun Java Development Kits (JDKs); there are periodic requests for help from users of other vendors' JDKs. The examples in later chapters of this book are based on Hadoop 0.19.0, which requires JDK.

New requirements for this project:
. Will only one or a few source systems load Hadoop, so that you can just use the HDFS API, or
will there be a significant number of source systems?

  • Network architecture
  • Operating System
  • Hardware requirements
  • Hadoop software installation/setup


Dedicate TOR switches to hadoop
Use dedicated core switching blades or switches
Ensure application servers are ?close? to hadoop
Ethernet bounding for increasing capacity

Basic hardware recommendation:
Namenode/ JobTracker (2*1GB/s Ethernet, 16 GB of ram, 4xCPU, 100 GB disk)
Datanode ( 2x1Gb/s Ethenet, * GB of ram, $xCPU , Multiple diswks with total amount of 500+GB).
Do not mix up hardware when building up Hadoop cluster.
so to avoid this, somebody needs to know where Data Nodes are located in the network topology= give it a name.


Understanding? the scope?

  • Enterprise data integration . Perform processing of routine data integration tasks and manage metadata with an integrated development environment (IDE) for standardization, reuse, and productivity improvement.


  • To unleash the power of Hadoop, you need to assess where and how to perform data integration tasks involving Hadoop. You can ask the following questions to select your approach:
  • Will only one or a few source systems load Hadoop, so that you can just use the HDFS API, or will there be a significant number of source systems?


Hadoop integrated with traditional databases. Organizations with traditional data warehousing and analytics in place have the option of extending their existing platform to include an integrated Hadoop implementation. Connecting existing data management resources to Hadoop provides an opportunity to tap both structured and unstructured data for insights.

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