Despite seemingly endless increases in the amount of storage and ever decreasing costs of hardware, managing storage is still expensive. Additionally, users continue to ?ll increasingly larger disks, worsened by the proliferation of large multimedia ?les and high-speed broadband networks. Storage requirements are continuing to grow at a rate of 50% a year. Worse, existing hard disk technology is reaching physical limitations, making it harder and costlier to meet growing user demands. Download Seminar Report for Elastic Quotas...
Diesel power invitably finds a very important role in the development of the plant?s economy and technical growth. Inspite of their high thermal efficiency, one cannot ignore the fact about the effect of their exhaust, in the atmosphere. It is a well-known fact that the toxic gases emitted in diesel engines are less than the engines. Due to high cost of petrol, diesel engines are more in use. Anticipating the use of diesel engines, even more in the near future; this system developed can be used to control the toxic gases, coming out of the diesel engines. Download Seminar Report for Aqua Silencer...
In the current scenario the world is plagued by accidents which are primarily due to human errors in judgment and hence thousands of lives are lost. These accidents can be avoided if only there was a mechanism to alert the driver of approaching danger. This can be done by monitoring the distance between nearby cars and alerting the driver whenever the distance becomes too short. This is precisely the aim of this paper. In this paper we propose the use of Bluetooth Technology by which we can check the speed of the car whenever it comes dangerously close to any other vehicle up front, thereby saving very many lives. Download Seminar Report for Car Speed Control Using Bluetooth...
Within the UK, high population density and increased traffic volumes has led to the expansion of urban areas incorporating new building construction and associated infrastructure. Such developments have encroached on ?brownfield? sites with a legacy of former industrial activity and ?marginal sites? where weak alluvial and/or glacigenic deposits occur. Dependent upon site geotechnical characterization, this has necessitated the use of ground improvement techniques prior to construction. Download Seminar Report for Ground Improvement Technics...
The General Packet Radio System (GPRS) is a new service that provides actual packet radio access for mobile Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and Time-Division Multiple Access (TDMA) users. The main benefits of GPRS are that it reserves radio resources only when there is data to send and it reduces reliance on traditional circuit-switched network elements. The increased functionality of GPRS will decrease the incremental cost to provide data services, an occurrence that will, in turn, increase the penetration of data services among consumer and business users. Download Seminar Report for Migration from GSM to GPRS...
Energy storage will play a critical role in an efficient and renewable energy future; much more so than it does in today?s fossil-based energy economy. There are two principal reasons that energy storage will grow in importance with increased development of renewable energy: Many important renewable energy sources are intermittent, and generate when weather dictates, rather than when energy demand dictates. Many transportation systems require energy to be carried with the vehicle. Download Seminar Report for Mechanical Energy Storage...
Nanorobotics is the technology of creating machines or robots at or close to the microscopic scale of a nanometer (10-9 meters). More specifically, nanorobotics refers to the still largely hypothetical nanotechnology engineering discipline of designing and building nanorobots, devices ranging in size from 0.1-10 micrometers and constructed of nanoscale or molecular components. Download Seminar Report for Nanorobotics...
Electronic ink is an upcoming technology that could even replace paper in the far future. Although revolutionary in concept, electronic ink is a straightforward fusion of chemistry, physics and electronics to create this new material. The principal components of electronic ink are millions of tiny microcapsules, about the diameter of a human hair. Download Seminar Report for Electronic Ink...
Digital evidence is increasingly relied upon in computer forensic examinations a nd legal proceedings in the modern courtroom. The primary storage technology used for digital information has remained constant over the last two decades, in the form of the magnetic disc. Consequently, investigative, forensic, and judicial procedures are well-established for magnetic disc storage devices (Carrier, 2005). However, a paradigm shift has taken place in technology storage and complex, transistor-based devices for primary storage are now increasingly common. Download Seminar Report for Solid State Drive...
Supercavitation is the state of the art technology that may revolutionize underwater propulsion systems. Cavitation is a problem for most of the engineering application where as supercavitation is the booming scientific discovery for underwater automobiles, torpedo and propellers. Cavitation is the process of formation of vapour bubbles of flowing fluid in a region where the pressure of the liquid falls below its vapour pressure and the sudden collapsing of these vapour bubbles in region of high pressure. Download Seminar Report for Supercavitation...
The thought -translational device (TTD) consists of a training device and spelling program for the completely paralyzed using slow-cortical brain potentials (SCP). During the training phase, the self-regulation of SCPs is learned through visual-auditory feedback and positive reinforcement of SCPs; during the spelling phase, patients select letters or words with their SCPs. A psychophysiological system for detection of cognitive functioning in completely paralyzed patients is an integral part of the TTD. Download Seminar Report for Thought Translation Device...
A primary goal of gesture recognition research is to create a system which can identify specific human gestures and use them to convey information or for device control. Interface with computers using gestures of the human body, typically hand movements. In gesture recognition technology, a camera reads the movements of the human body and communicates the data to a computer that uses the gestures as input to control devices or applications. Download Seminar Report for Gesture Recognition...
Flywheel energy storage systems store kinetic energy (i.e. energy produced by motion) by constantly spinning a compact rotor in a low-friction environment. When short-term back-up power is required (i.e. when utility power fluctuates or is lost), the rotor's inertia allows it to continue spinning and the resulting kinetic energy is converted to electricity. Download Seminar Report for Flywheel...
Training plays a very important role in an organisation. It helps in increasing the knowledge level. As we know that we can change only what we can control, it is important that the training is imparted in a correct and effective manner. Here we are considering the pros and cons of face to face or classroom learning and of e-learning. Download Seminar Report for E Learning Technology...
Due to their near Shannon limit performance and inherently parallelizable decoding scheme, low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. have been extensively investigated in research and practical applications. Recently, LDPC codes have been considered for many industrial standards of next generation communication systems such as DVB-S2, WLAN (802.11.n), WiMAX (802.16e), and 10GBaseT (802.3an). For high throughput applications, the decoding parallelism is usually very high. Hence, a complex interconnect network is required which consumes a significant amount of silicon area and power. Download Seminar Report for LDPC Codes...
Anisotropic filtering is a technique used in the 3-D computing field to enhance the image quality of textures on rendered surfaces which are sloped relative to the viewer. This is achieved by eliminating aliasing, which is responsible for the jagged or pixilated quality of some graphics. In addition to its anti-aliasing qualities, this filtering also reduces blurring of sloped textures, an improvement over previous types of filtering known as bilinear and tri linear filtering. Download Seminar Report for Anisotropic Filtering...
VMware Workstation gives technical users a cost-effective way to utilize desktop virtualization and IT managers a one-size-fits-all console. This introduction to Workstation demonstrates how to get started and use some of its capabilities, as well as comparing its features to VMware Player. Download Seminar Report for VMware...
Power line communication (PLC) presents an interesting and economical solution for Automatic Meter Reading (AMR). If an AMR system via PLC is set in a power delivery system, a detection system for illegal electricity usage may be easily added in the existing PLC network. In the detection system, the second digitally energy meter chip is used and the value of energy is stored. The recorded energy is compared with the value at the main kilo Watt-hour meter. Download Seminar Report for Powerline Communication...
Wankel Engine, internal-combustion engine, powered by gasoline, that uses a triangular-shaped rotor, or rotating part, to produce mechanical energy. Traditional internal-combustion engines use pistons (solid cylinders moving within a closely fitted casing) instead of a rotor. The Wankel engine is powerful for its weight and size, vibrates much less than piston engines, has few moving parts, and can run comparatively quietly and smoothly on different grades of fuel. Download Seminar Report for Wankel Rotary Engine...
HPJava stands for ?high performance java?. Java already provides parallelism through threads. But that model of parallelism can only be easily exploited on shared memory computers. HPJava is targetted at distributed memory parallel computers (most likely, networks of PCs and workstations). Download Seminar Report for HPJava...
The new technological solution, in terms of Sky Bus Metro is based on theconcept of Sky Wheels presented in 1989 at World Congress for Railway Research. The technologies used are: Well proven rail guided bogie system commonly used for normal railway system. Linear Induction Motor Technology or3 phase AC asynchronous electrical motive units? well proven and widely adopted abroad as well as in India. Download Seminar Report for Skybus...
Due to the development digital computer technologies and digital television for the next generation, there is a growing demand to store large sizes of data. Optical technology can provide a number of ways to solve the problem of large storage and fast transmission of data. Download Seminar Report for Optical Data Security...
The growth -of existing and new services will create a large increase of traffic flow in telecommunication network in the coming years .The demand for bandwidth in a communication network increase continuously .The world wide web alone ?for example require a yearly 8 fold increase in bandwidth per user . Download Seminar Report for Optical Packet Switch Architectures...
With alternatives to the petrol engine being announced ever so often you could be forgiven for thinking that the old favorite the petrol engine is on its last legs but nothing could be further from the truth and possibilities for developing the petrol engines are endless. One of the most crucial jobs on the agenda is to find ways of reducing fuel consumption, cutting emissions of the green house gas CO2 and also the toxic?? emissions which threaten air quality. One such fast emerging technology is cylinder deactivation where a number of cylinders are shut down when less is needed to save fuel. Download Seminar Report for Cylinder Deactivation...
FDDI standard was developed by ISO and ANSI and concerns over a double ring network, fiber optic, providing a speed of 100Mbs. Standard recommends the use of optical fibers with dimensions of 62.6 / 125 micrometers but prohibits the use of another type of fiber. Wavelength of radiation must be 1300 nm (infrared) and vary between 1270nm and 1380nm. Download Seminar Report for Fiber Distributed Data Interface...
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