Engineering Seminar Topics with Abstracts & PPT 2017


Engineering Seminar topics with Abstracts & PPT 2017

During the last decade, the evolution of computer system has been increased. This evolution is notably visible with the CHI. Whereas the first computer systems have a single online interface to interact with the user, now the computer applications are based on a graphic representation of the CHI (windows, dialogboxe, ...). This evolution of the CHI represents a transformation of the computer systems that was important because it allows users to use computers even if they are not specialists. It also permits to reduce the time of training of these users.Download Seminar Report for Computer Human Interface (CHI)...
As time is progressing life is becoming more and more complex. As each day unfolds, man is tied up with a huge no: of constraints. Though the electronic era has attempted to reduce this mishap, the same developments have added to the hardships.Download Seminar Report for Human Id Implant...
When we talk about free software, we usually refer to the free software licenses. We also need relief from software patents, so our freedom is not restricted by them. But there is a third type of freedom we need, and that's user freedom. Download Seminar Report for HURD...
Ethical, social, and political issues are closely linked. The ethical dilemma you may face as a manager of information systems typically is reflected in social and political debate. One way to think about these relationships is given in Figure 4-1. Imagine society as a more or less calm pond on a summer day, a delicate ecosystem in partial equilibrium with individuals and with social and political institutions. Individuals know how to act in this pond because social institutions (family, education, organizations) have developed well-honed rules of behavior, and these are supported by laws developed in the political sector that prescribe behavior and promise sanctions for violations.Download Seminar Report for Computer Security...
Digital audio broadcasting, DAB, is the most fundamental advancement in radio technology since that introduction of FM stereo radio. It gives listeners interference ? free reception of CD quality sound, easy to use radios, and the potential for wider listening choice through many additional stations and services.Download Seminar Report for Digital Audio Broadcasting...
The business of wireless data is expected to grow in the region of 100-200 per cent per annum and the mobile communications industry agrees that wireless data services will form the foundation for future business. The enormous success of short messaging in many countries proves that people accept the benefits of non-voice services.Download Seminar Report for EDGE...
The Transmeta family of Efficeon processors are different from every other processor available today. On the surface, the Efficeon processor runs all x86-based operating systems and software applications just like other x86 processors. Under the hood, the architecture driving the Efficeon processor provides a level of engineering and optimization that surpasses other x86 architectures. Download Seminar Report for Efficeon Processor...
Digital Light Processing (DLP) is a revolutionary new way to project and display information. Based on the Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) developed by Texas Instruments, DLP creates the final link to display digital visual information. DLP technology is being provided as subsystems or "engines" to market leaders in the consumer, business, and professional segments of the projection display industry. Download Seminar Report for Digital Light Processing...
The accelerated growth of content-rich applications that demand high bandwidth has changed the nature of information networks. High-speed communication is now an ordinary requirement throughout business, government, academic, and "work-at-home" environments. High-speed Internet access, telecommuting, and remote LAN access are three services that network access providers clearly must offer.Download Seminar Report for Digital Subscriber Line...
A content management system (CMS) is a system used to organize and facilitate collaborative creation of documents and other content. CMS's allow end-users (typically authors of some sort) to provide new content in the form of articles. The articles are typically entered as plain text, perhaps with markup to indicate where other resources (such as pictures) should be placed. Download Seminar Report for Content Management System...

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