The world?s first virtual machine that can function as human brain is called as blue brain. It is the brain of Super computer. IBM is now in research to create a virtual brain. It is called ?Blue brain ?. Today scientists are in research to create an artificial brain that can think, response, take decision, and keep anything in memory. Its main aim is to upload human brain into machine. So that man can think, take decision without any effort. After the death of the body, the virtual brain will act as the man. So even after the death of a person we will not loose the knowledge, intelligence, personalities, feelings and memories of that man that can be used for the development of the human society. Blue brain functions as a working 3-dimensional model that will recreate the high-speed electro-chemical interactions that take place within the brain's interior. These include cognitive functions such as language, learning, perception and memory in addition to expand other regions of the brain.
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