A rapid growth of knowledge can only happen in an environment which admits exchange of thought and information. Indeed, nothing else can explain the astounding progress of science in the last three hundred years. Technology has unfortunately not seen this freedom too often. The solutions to bridging the much hyped and talked about digital divide can come from within the developing world itself Problems of access to telecommunications in the developing world have often paled into insignificance beside those of gaining access to a working computer capable of connecting to the internet. For a vast mass of the rural poor for whom a computer is probably as remote an option as a trip to the moon, the Simputer can well become the power button to prosperity.
Simputer (Simple Computer) is a low-cost, portable alternative to personal computers. It is pegged as the first of its kind in the world as it promises to ensure that knowledge of English is no longer a barrier to handling a computer. It permits simple and natural, user-friendly interfaces based on sight, touch and audio.
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