3D-DOCTOR Software is used to extract information from image files to create 3D model. It was developed using object-oriented technology and provides efficient tools to process and analyze 3D images, object boundaries, 3D models and other associated data items in an easy-to-use environment. It does 3D image segmentation, 3D surface modeling, rendering, volume rendering, 3D image processing, disconsolation, registration, automatic alignment, measurements, and many other functions.3D-DOCTOR supports both grayscale and color images stored in DICOM, TIFF, Interfile, GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, PGM, RAW or other image file formats. 3D-DOCTOR creates 3D surface models and volume rendering from 2D cross-section images in real time on your PC. Leading hospitals, medical schools and research organizations around the world are currently using 3D-DOCTOR.
3D-DOCTOR is an advanced, 3D imaging software developed by Able Software Corp.It is an advanced 3D modeling, image processing and measurement software for MRI, CT, PET, microscopy, scientific, and industrial imaging applications. 3D-Doctor supports both grayscale and color images stored in DICOM, TIFF, Interfile, GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, PGM, RAW or other image file formats. 3D-DOCTOR creates 3D surface models and volume rendering from 2D cross-section images in real time on your PC. You can export the polygonal mesh models to STL, DXF, IGES, 3DS, OBJ, VRML, XYZ and other formats for surgical planning, simulation, quantitative analysis and rapid prototyping applications. You can calculate 3D volume and make other 3D measurements for quantitative analysis. 3D-DOCTOR's vector-based tools support easy image data handling, measurement, and analysis.3D CT/MRI images can be re-sliced easily along an arbitrary axis. Multi-modality images can be registered to create image fusions. Misaligned slices can be automatically or semi-automatically aligned using 3D-DOCTOR's image alignment functions. Other image processing functions include template-based film cropping, image reslicing to correct slices of uneven thickness, volume resizing, and image rotation.The 3DBasic scripting tool makes it easy to create Basic-like sophisticated 3D imaging programs.This software does 3D image segmentation, 3D surface modeling, rendering, volume rendering, 3D image processing, deconvolution, registration, automatic alignment, measurements, and many other functions.
3D-DOCTOR supports a variety of image formats in both 2D and 3D. These formats include DICOM, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, Interfile, GIF, PNG and RAW. Other non-standard image formats are also supported, but only with known dimensions (number of columns, rows and planes), bit depth per pixel, little endian or big endian, and the size of file header. 3D-DOCTOR is currently being used by leading hospitals, medical schools and research organizations around the world.
3D- DOCTOR Basics
3D- images such as CT, MRI and microscopy images. The following lists some of the main differences between 3D-DOCTOR and other packages: DOCTOR uses its unique vector-based technologies to create better 3D models from volumetric
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