3D Internet

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Abstract---The World Wide Web, which has started as a document repository, is rapidly transforming to a full ?edged virtual environment that facilitates services, interaction, and communication. Under this light, the Semantic Web and Web 2.0 movements can be seen as intermediate steps of a natural evolution towards a new paradigm, the 3D Internet. We provide an overview of the concept 3D Internet and discuss why it is a goal worth pursuing, what it does entail, and how one can realize it. Our goal in this paper is to discuss a research agenda and raise interest in networking, security, distributed computing, and machine learning communities. We explore ?rst the motivation for the 3D Internet and the possibilities it brings. Subsequently, we investigate the speci?c system level and research challenges that need to be addressed in order to make the 3D Internet a reality.

Keywords?3Dinternet, Semantic web, web 2.0,World server, Intelligent environments



The Internet is evolving to become the de-facto cyberspace
or virtual environment facilitating communication, business, and entertainment on a global scale. On the other hand, metaverses or virtual worlds such as Second Life (SL) or World of Warcraft (WoW) are much younger when compared to other Web technologies. Today, the success and momentum of virtual worlds are undeniable. The market for MMOGs is estimated to be worth more than one billion US dollars and such metaverses are fast becoming ?significant platforms? in the converged media world according to some analysts. Virtual worlds are increasingly seen as more than game and interpreted within a business context rather than entertainment. The view that metaverses will play a significant role in the future is shared by many researchers and professionals in the field. Among them are the participants of the metaverse roadmap ?who aim to explore multiple pathways to the 3D enhanced web , the Croquet Consortium ?as well as ?the VRML and X3D communities.

We envision a 3D Internet which will be to 2D graphical user interface (GUI) and Web of today what 2D GUI and World Wide Web (WWW) were to command line interface (CLI) and gopher two decades ago. While the concept seems incremental in the sense that it merely adds 3D graphics to the current Web, it is in fact revolutionary for it provides a complete virtual environment that facilitates services, interaction, and communication. From this perspective, the 3D Internet can be seen as the evolutionary end point of ongoing efforts such as Web 2.0 and Semantic? Web.
A phrase coined in 2004 by O?Reilly Media Group; refers to a perceived or proposed second generation of Internet-based services such as Social Networking sites, Wikis etc - that emphasize Online Collaboration & sharing among users The Participatory Web. It marks the progression from static????? web pages to dynamic, interactive ones, Read/write web Sharing, collaboration, & user ?involvement, Reviews Comment on news stories,Upload photos, Share digital videos.The Amateurization of the Web The average person can put their work on the web? ex.? Photographers, journalists,???????????? aspiring writers, students, etc.The Social Web Social networking and community-? oriented sites ?ex.? myspace.com, friendster.com, facebook.com, multiply.com, tagged.com, twitter,com, etc.The User-focused Web The user needs are catered:? participate, organize, read, write & play? online
Web 2.0 is focused on people, the Semantic Web is focused on machines. The Web requires a human operator, using computer systems to perform the tasks required to find, search and aggregate its information. It's impossible for a computer to do these tasks without human guidance because Web pages are specifically designed for human readers. The Semantic Web is a project that aims to change that by presenting Web page data in such a way that it is understood by computers, enabling machines to do the searching, aggregating and combining of the Web's information ? without a human operator.

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Our objective in this paper is to define the 3D Internet concept and discuss why it is a goal worth pursuing, what it does entail, and how one can realize it. Along with its enormous potential the 3D Internet also opens many research challenges in order to become a reality. Metaverses have recently caught the attention of gaming, advertisement, 3D design, and performing arts communities among others. However, it is difficult to claim that the same level of interest has been raised in the areas of networking, machine learning, and distributed computing. Without overcoming these engineering challenges and making a business case to stakeholders the 3D Internet is destined to be an academic exercise and remain in the realm of science fiction; a fate experienced by many initially promising concepts such as artificial intelligence or virtual reality. We discuss in the next section why stakeholders such as communication and computing companies, research institutions, and online businesses should be interested and participate in the 3D Internet. In Section 3, we present an example architecture as a starting point for the 3D Internet. Section 4 summarizes the engineering challenges and explores research directions in various fields.


One of the often heard arguments against the 3D Internet is in the form of the question ?why do we need it?? For most of its users the Internet is a familiar, comfortable medium where we communicate with each other, get our news, shop, pay our bills, and more. We are indeed so much used to and dependend on its existence that we don?t think about its nature anymore just like we do not think about Ohm?s law when we turn on the lights. From this perspective what we have, i.e. the 2D version, seems ?sufficient? and the 3D Internet is yet another fad. However, if we stop and think about the nature of the Internet for a moment we realize that it is nothing but a virtual environment (cyberspace) where people and organizations interact with each other and exchange information. Once this fact is well understood, the question can be turned on its head and becomes ?why do we restrict ourselves to 2D pages and hyperlinks for all these activities??
Navigating hierarchical data structures is often cumbersome for ?large data sets. Unfortunately, the Internet as we know is organized as a flat abstract mesh of interconnected hierarchcal documents. A typical 2D website is an extremely abstract entity and consists of nothing but a bunch of documents and pictures. Within the website, at every level of the interaction, the developers have to provide the user immediate navigational help. Otherwise, the user would get lost sooner or later. Since this is a very abstract environment, there is no straightforward way of providing a navigation scheme which would be immediately recognizable to human beings. The situation is not any better when traveling between websites. Although the domain name system is somewhat helpful, using the web today is no different than reading a telephone directory. Given the current situation the term web surfing is rather appropriate as we have no control over where the web takes us with the next click. This has profound implications such as the reliance on back button in browsers which tantamounts to admitting that navigating on the web is no different from a random walk. Another consequence is the emergence of search engines as a fundamental element of the Internet. It is no surprise that Google is the most powerful Internet company of our times.
There is actually a much better alternative way of organizing data which everybody knows and uses. We spend all our lives in a 3D world navigating between places and organizing objects spatially. We rarely need search engines to find what we are looking for and our brains are naturally adept at remembering spatial relationships. Let us consider the following fictitious scenario on the 3D Internet. Instead of a flat 2D desktop I can put my documents on my desk at home, where documents, desk, and home are ?virtual? entities that are 3D representations of real-world counterparts with spatial relationships. Later, when the need of finding these documents arises, there is a high probability that I can easily remember their location without resorting to additional processes such as search engines or a ?recent documents? folder.
Obviously, it is very difficult -if not impossible- to realize this scenario on the current Internet. We are there like 2D creatures living on flat documents not knowing where we are or what is next to us. We teleport constantly from one flat surface to another, each time getting lost, each time asking for directions or help. In contrast, the ease of use and intuitiveness of 3D GUIs are an immediate consequence of the way our brains work, a result of a long evolutionary process ensuring adaptation to our world. Although the 3D Internet is not a solution to all problems, it provides an HCI framework that can decrease mental load and open doors to rich, innovative interface designs through spatial relationships. Another important point is the Webplace metaphore of the 3D Internet which enables interaction between people in a natural way. In this sense, the 3D Internet can be seen as a natural successor of Web 2.0.
The metaverses such as SL can be considered as pioneering precursors of the 3D Internet. Yet, they already indicate its significant business opportunities. Not only existing online businesses would benefit from the inherent interactive nature and spatial HCI paradigms of the 3D Internet but also a whole range of businesses such as fashion, real estate, and tourism can finally start using the Internet effectively. We expect that the possibility of providing faithful 3D representations of products and services will have revolutionary effects on online business to business and business to customer commercial activity. From virtual ?try before buy? to ?interactive shopping? the commercial potential of the 3D Internet is enormous.


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