Genetic Algorithms (GA) have been used to evolve computer programs for specific tasks, and to design other computational structures. The recent resurgence of interest in AP with GA has been spurred by the work on Genetic Programming (GP). GP paradigm provides a way to do program induction by searching the space of possible computer programs for an individual computer program that is highly fit in solving or approximately solving the problem at hand. The genetic programming paradigm permits the evolution of computer programs which can perform alternative computations conditioned on the outcome of intermediate calculations, which can perform computations on variables of many different types, which can perform iterations and recursions to achieve the desired result, which can define and subsequently use computed values and subprograms, and whose size, shape, and complexity is not specified in advance. GP use relatively low-level primitives, which are defined separately rather than combined a priori into high-level primitives, since such mechanism generate hierarchical structures that would facilitate the creation of new high-level primitives from built-in low-level primitives. Unfortunately, since every real life problem are dynamic problem, thus their behaviors are much complex, GP suffers from serious weaknesses. Random systems chaos is important, in part, because it helps us to cope with unstable system by improving our ability to describe, to understand, perhaps even to forecast them.
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is the result of research on computational intelligence approaches to combinatorial optimization originally conducted by Dr. Marco Dorigo, in collaboration with Alberto Colorni and Vittorio Maniezzo. The fundamental approach underlying ACO is an iterative process in which a population of simple agents repeatedly construct candidate solutions; this construction process is probabilistically guided by heuristic information on the given problem instance as well as by a shared memory containing experience gathered by the ants in previous iteration. ACO has been applied to a broad range of hard combinatorial problems. Problems are defined in terms of components and states, which are sequences of components. Ant Colony Optimization incrementally generates solutions paths in the space of such components, adding new components to a state. Memory is kept of all the observed transitions between pairs of solution components and a degree of desirability is associated to each transition depending on the quality of the solutions in which it occurred so far. While a new solution is generated, a component y is included in a state, with a probability that is proportional to the desirability of the transition between the last component included in the state, and y itself.
The main idea is to use the self-organizing principles to coordinate populations of artificial agents that collaborate to solve computational problems. Self-organization is a set of dynamical mechanisms whereby structures appear at the global level of a system from interactions among its lower-level components. The rules specifying the interactions among the system?s constituent units are executed on the basis of purely local information, without reference to the global pattern, which is an emergent property of the system rather than a property imposed upon the system by an external ordering influence. For example, the emerging structures in the case of foraging in ants include spatiotemporally organized networks of pheromone trails.
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