EyeOS is an open source web desktop following the cloud computing concept. It is mainly written in PHP, XML and JavaScript. It acts as a platform for web applications written using the EyeOS Toolkit. It includes a Desktop environment with 67 applications and system utilities. It can be accessed from Windows, Linux or Macintosh computers or from mobile devices that support the technologies. EyeOS is one of those cloud computing operating systems.
It is based on an Open Source platform written mainly in PHP, XML and JavaScript. EyeOS lets you upload your files and work with them no matter where you are. It contains applications like Word Processor, Address Book, PDF reader, and many more developed by the community.
The idea behind eyeOS is that the whole system lives in the web browser. The client must have only a web browser to work with eyeOS and all its applications, including Office and PIM ones. This applies to for both modern and obsolete PC's An Open Source Platform designed to hold a wide variety of Web Applications. eyeOS was thought of as a new definition of an Operating System, where everything inside it can be accessed from everywhere inside a Network. All you need to do is login into your eyeOS server with a normal Internet Browser, and you have access to your personal desktop, with your applications, documents, music, movies just like you left it. eyeOS lets you upload your files and work with them no matter where you are.
There are a number of online operating systems available today, and the number is steadily growing. EyeOS is a web-based open source platform designed to hold a wide variety of web applications over it. It looks like a regular PC operating system, but the "trick" is that it can be accessed from anywhere. If you travel all the time, or you don't own a PC or laptop or move often, then you can access EyeOS from an Internet Cafe.
All you need is a web browser, Internet access and EyeOS is there for you, always, all the time. EyeOS is one of the few that is not only provided for free as a service complete with online storage, but is also open source under AGPL3, so you can install it on your own server.
EyeOS is built on PHP and uses a combination of web standard technologies such as HTML, JavaScript and CSS to create the UI. This means that it will run on any standards compliant browser. By itself, it doesn?t require any extra plug-in in order to work. All it needs is a PHP 5 capable server, which is the common denominator for just about any hosting package ? it doesn?t even require a database.
Fig 1: Centering work and entertainment in a single place
EyeOS is all about entering work and entertainment in a single place. EyeOS is about removing compatibility issues between applications and operating systems and taking your life everywhere. EyeOS is available in 30 translations. And is used privatively and professionally throughout the world rather it is used for public environments, schools, small and large companies alike or a way to share data with your family. EyeOS has a use in our digital life era.
Establishment: In 2005, a group of young people worked together and put all their efforts in a new project, a new open source web desktop, EyeOS.
August 1, 2005: The first publicly available EyeOS version was released as EyeOS 0.6.0. At the time, it greatly participated in creating the definition of a web operating system and acted as a concept. Quickly, a worldwide community of developers took part in the project and helped improve it by translating, testing and developing it.
June 4, 2007: After two years of development, the EyeOS Team published EyeOS 1.0. Compared with previous versions, EyeOS 1.0 introduced a complete reorganization of the code and some new web technologies, like eyeSoft, a portage-based web software installation system.
July 2, 2007: With the release of the 1.1 version, EyeOS changed its license and migrated from GNU GPL Version 2 to Version 3.
October 29, 2007: 1.2 version was launched with full integration compatibility with Microsoft Word files.
January 15, 2008: EyeOS 1.5 Gala was liberated. The first version that supported both Microsoft Office and OpenOffice.org file formats for documents, presentations and spreadsheets. It also had the ability to import and export documents in both formats using server side scripting.
April 25, 2008: EyeOS 1.6 included many improvements such as synchronization with local computers, drag and drop, a mobile version and more.
January 7, 2009: EyeOS 1.8 Lars featured a completely rewritten file manager and a new sound API to develop media rich applications.
April 1, 2009: 1.8.5 version incorporated a new default theme and some rewritten apps like the Word Processor and the Address Book.
Fig 2 Architecture overview
EyeOS kernel uses a structure divided into 4 layers:
Get the XML messages and respond in the same format to the browser
Fig 3 working of eyeX in kernel
Process Management:
Process defines important variables for the application: myPid
EyeOS use a two-tier architecture in which one machine acts as both application and presentation server. The client is the second tier. The application server hosts virtual machines that run programs and push them to a presentation server, which manages the client connection. The thin client runs the application and passes user input back to the application server.
EyeOS makes use of several technologies on the client (browser) side:
Though it is not the focus of the project, we briefly comment on the server side of the architecture. EyeOS is written in PHP on the server side, and provides multiple high level abstractions. The goal of these is to make it easy to write new applications, and avoid dealing with low-level primitives. In this sense, EyeOS is also a web application development framework.
4. What is a process inside eyeOS?
Every time an application is executed, an entry in the process table of a user is created. This entry is an associative array that contains information about the name, Process ID (pid),checksum, tty, currentUser (the name of the user who launched the process) and the time it was launched. In the default installation, the process table is a session variable named 'ProcessTable'. By default, an EyeOS application can have multiple instances of itself running flawlessly. Every instance has its own entry on the Process Table and has its own information separately from the others. Despite that behaviour, a programmer can make an application to avoid having multiple instances by looking up the name of the application in the process table.
This service stands out primarily for its tight security, which has earned an average growth of 400 users per day. Some of its security measures involve the use of firewalls, backups every 24 hours total, and formatting a month as a preventive measure in case some are infiltrated by malicious code. As additional precaution, all communication is made within the site, and all content stored by users is fully encrypted and no access by their administrators, which gives an additional advantage in terms of use privacy.
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?The idea behind EyeOS is that the whole system lives in the web browser. The client must have only a web browser to work with EyeOS and all its applications, including Office and PIM ones. This applies to for both modern and obsolete PC?s.?
There are no license costs with EyeOS: It?s Free, Open Source Software. Special programming, Support & Maintenance up to 24x7, Training and adaptation are offered as professional services. EyeOS work with private and public companies that are looking for an internal intranet: big companies that would like to offer a virtual desktop to their customers, small and big administrations, and the education world EyeOS for Education.
Free Internet Access Points Resources Management Internet & Access Providers Servers Management EyeOS Mobile Professional Meetings Manager Available Services. These are the projects that have under consideration and working effectively by keeping in mind to give the best cloud service. The free public server for everyone that has already reached 4,00,000 users.
EyeOS provides Support Packs for both Open Source and Commercial Edition customers. Whether you are trying EyeOS for the first time or deploying a mission-critical application, we have a plan that meets your needs and budget.
Who would like to have a full EyeOS environment with more space, more allowed upload max file size, the ability of managing users and groups and installing new applications there hasn?t been an officially offered option before.
We?re today starting to offer full EyeOS servers, with the following specs:
??????????????????? ?????????????????????????fig 4.1 Application domains
Among the most typical uses are highlighted
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EyeOS 2.0 is a development framework for creating RIAs quickly and easily. It has been fully developed using open technology and widely accepted standards, such as PHP, MySQL, javascript, qooxdoo, log4php, phpunit, OpenOffice and others, allowing the system to work on a common web server without any modification, and any standard browser, without needing to install additional plugins.
EyeOS 2.0 is much faster than EyeOS 1.x, since it gives much more prominence to JavaScript. We have completely eliminated the PHP code which is not used for business logic. As a result, the client needs to make fewer requests to the server, and makes them only when needs persistence of data or specific business logic.
EyeOS 2.0 has also added a cache system on the client side to eliminate server requests, even when these are for data persistence. The logical architecture of the system remains very similar to EyeOS 1.x, however, everything has been rewritten from scratch using design patterns with object-oriented programming, where for example, each system service kernel singleton component.
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