This paper describes key technological challenges and solutions confronting the development of Health Information System in the Philippines. The Philippine Health Information System (PHIS) is an online system that is intended to facilitate gathering, analysis and dissemination of vital health metrics. Through PHIS the Department of Health (DOH) increases access to health metrics data for the consumption of different users like planners, policy makers, community leaders and development agencies. PHIS therefore supports the important goal of equitable distribution of health services in the country. Building PHIS means tackling major technological challenges on interoperability, governance and privacy. Technical interoperability is the ability to work with different and often incompatible databases maintained by various government agencies. Semantic interoperability is the ability that will allow PHIS to translate from one coding standard to another automatically.
This study recommends designing PHIS based on principles of enterprise architecture (EA) and service oriented architecture (SOA). It discusses salient principles of architecture, governance and privacy that will be useful starting points for designing, developing, and running PHIS. To supplement its case, this paper cites real-world projects that have demonstrated the feasibility of such solutions.
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