Abstract— The method of connecting the objects or things through wireless connectivity, Internet called Internet Of Things. Nowadays a variety of tasks are based on IOT. Cities in the world are becoming smarter by implementing the things around using IOT. This is a new trend in technology. Smart cities include obstacle tracking, object sensing, traffic control, tracking of our activities, examining the baby, monitoring home lights and so on. One of the objective of smart cities is keeping the environment clean and neat. This aim is not fulfilled without the garbage bin management system. Hence the paper “IOT Based Intelligent Bin for Smart Cities” has been developed. Bin management is one of the major applications of IOT. Here sensors are connected to the all the bins at different areas. It senses the level of garbage in bin. When it reaches threshold a message is sent via GSM to the concerned person to clean it as soon as possible. The completed task is done in LabVIEW environment.
Garbage management is that the assorting, transporting garbage, processing, reusing or eliminating and monitoring garbage materials. Garbage management is very crucial and it has become one of the major issues due to high population density. To reduce the impact of garbage, Municipal Corporation has developed an efficient garbage management system. In India, waste generated per capita ranges from 200g to 500g. Many organizations have estimated that in India 1.3 to 1.5 pounds of waste is generated for a person. It is even estimated that 47 million tons of waste is generated in the year 2001. In the recent 2 years this has increased to 95 million tons. The efficiency of collecting the garbage is poor in Indian cities compared to other countries. Thus, Indian Government is struggling to manage the garbage. Issues with respect to the disposal has become challenging with growth in population.
Poor garbage collection and improper transportation facility are answerable for the earnings of garbage at all spots and points of the city. Due to these unavailable facilities, municipal garbage management is getting critical. Improper garbage management further leads to incurable diseases to living organisms. Thus to avoid waste overflow “Smart Management of Garbage using LabVIew” has been proposed.
For detecting the garbage, many sensors like weight sensors, IR sensors, etc can be used. Weight sensor is the one which gives the information about the weight of garbage. But using this is not efficient because it doesn‟t identify the level of waste in the bin. Hence Infrared sensor (IR sensor) is used which is a multipurpose sensor, which can detect the level of garbage. IR sensor emits the light, which is invisible to naked eye but the electronic components can detect it. It consist of IR transmitter and IR receiver. Both analog and digital output is produced by IR sensor. This sensor produces the output a logic „1‟ at the digital output when it senses the object and a logic „0‟ when it doesn‟t senses any object. Depending on the distance between the object and sensor, sensor produces the analog output voltage between 0 and 5V. An LED is present on the IR sensor board. It is used to indicate the presence or absence of an object. IR sensors are highly sensitive to surrounding lights. Hence, these sensors
are covered properly inorder to reduce the light effect on the sensor. Potentiometer is used to calibrate the sensor.
The output of IR sensor is acquired by The National Instruments myRIO-1900. It is an input output device which is portable and reconfigurable. This can be used by the students in the design of robotics, controls and many other designs. The NI myRIO-1900 has a ZYNQ chip. This ZYNQ chip is a combination of processor (ARM Dual core) and FPGA (Xilinx). The NI myRIO-1900 consists of analog input, digital input, analog output, digital output, power output, nonvolatile memory and audio input and output in an embedded device. USB acts as a connector between the NI myRIO-1900 and host computer. It has connectors A and B that acts as an expansion port and a connector C that act as a mini-system port, they carry the signals and these signals are distinguished by different connector names. Here the mostly used connector is mini-system port connector C. This device can even connect to the wireless network and create wireless network. It has inbuilt option to connect to Wi-Fi.
Implementation of managing the garbage using sensor, LabVIEW and GSM is shown in this paper. This paper gives solution of how garbage management can be achieved. This method helps in keeping the waste bin clean when the bin is completely filled. The garbage managing system and the facility of collecting the garbage presently doesn‟t fit to the current requirement. Hence better facility of collecting garbage and transportation should be provided. Since, this system provides the information when the bin gets completely filled with garbage, it reduces the number of times the arrival of vehicle which collects the garbage. This method finally helps in keeping the environment clean. Thus, the garbage collection is made more efficient.
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