Jini Technology is based on Java? technology. It Enables all types of devices to simplyconnect into impromptu networks, making access to and delivery of new network services assimple as plugging in a telephone.It Enables all types of digital devices to work together in acommunity put together without extensive planning, installation, or human intervention.Each device provides services that other devices in the community may use.An impromptu community is another way to describe what happens when two or moredevices using Jini technology come together to share their services. It is impromptu, becausethe devices do not need any prior knowledge of each other in order to participate. Jinitechnology allows devices to dynamically establish communication to share and exchangeservices across a network. The impromptu community is a dynamic environment thateliminates the need for configuring devices or installing drivers. For example, imagine plugging a camera into a network. The camera instantly joins the network without drivers toinstall, floppies or a CD-ROM to insert, or keyboard commands to type. The cameraidentifies itself and offers its services. If the camera could talk, it would be saying: "I'm acamera, anyone need pictures?" You might have a laptop that uses Jini technology to jointhis network. You could access the camera, snap a photo, route it to your own disk drive(which also uses Jini technology to communicate with other devices), or send it to another device for printing .These devices provide their own user or programmatic interfaces, which ensures reliabilityand compatibility.The overall goal is to turn the network into a flexible, easily administered tool on whichresources can be found by human and computational clients. The focus of the system is tomake the network a more dynamic entity that better reflects the dynamic nature of theworkgroup by enabling the ability to add and delete services flexibly.
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