MEMS technology has enabled us to realize advanced micro devices by using processes similar to VLSI technology. When MEMS devices are combined with other technologies new generation of innovative technology will b created. This will offer outstanding functionality. Such technologies will have wide scale applications in fields ranging from automotive, aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, bio-medical and so forth. The main challenge is to integrate all these potentially non-compatible technologies into a single working microsystem that will offer outstanding functionality.
The use of MEMS technology for permanent, semi permanent or temporary interconnection of non-compatible technologies like CMOS, BJT, GaAs, SiGe, and so forth into a System-on-Chip environment can be described using an example application. It is a hearing instrument in which an array of acoustical sensors is used to provide dynamic directional sensitivity that can minimize background noise and reverberation thereby increasing speech intelligibility for the user. The micro array can provide dynamically variable directional sensitivity by employing suitable beam forming and tracking algorithms while implanted completely inside the ear canal.