I. Introduction
Packet snifng is the act of intercepting and interpreting network tra?c transmitted across shared communication channels [1,6,10]. The network interface card (NIC) in a networked computer receives all shared tra?c sent across a physical link. Ordinarily, the network device driver only processes incoming tra?c to the local host and broadcast
packets meant for computers in the network [4]. To perform packet sni?ng, it is necessary to re-con?gure the NIC to operate in a ?promiscuous? mode where the network device driver processes all tra?c transmitted across the network, regardless of whether or not packets are addressed to the host computer [10]. Packet sni?ng is primarily used in intrusion detection, network management, wiretapping and hacking. Intrusion detection systems use sni?ng to identify packets and packet sequences that signal potential attacks [6,10]. Network management tools employ packet sni?ers to quantitatively measure network tra?c and identify bottlenecks [10].
Wiretapping applications of packet sni?ers are exempli?ed by the FBI?s Carnivore system [1]. Hackers utilize packet sni?ng to eavesdrop on network tra?c and steal private
information [3,6,10,11]. This paper describes a novel application of a packet sniffer to monitor chat room conversations for criminal activity, e.g., sex crimes nvestigations that monitor sexually explicit chat rooms for ?travellers? ? pedophiles who seek to arrange liaisons with minors across state lines. Two problems exist with manual monitoring methods [5]. First, an overwhelming amount of conversations have to be ac-
tively scrutinized and ?ltered for potential criminal activ
ity. Second, it is di?cult to record and preserve evidence of chat room conversations [12-14]. The packet sni?er permits automated monitoring and ?ltering, as well as evi-
dence preservation. Moreover, it is possible to completely econstruct chat room activity for purposes of prosecution.
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