A Rich Internet Application (RIA) is a web application that has many of the characteristics of desktop applications, typically delivered either by way of a site-specific browser, via a browser plug-in, independent sandboxes, or virtual machines. Adobe Flash, Java, and Microsoft Silverlight are currently the three most common platforms, with penetration rates around99%, 80%, and 54% respectively (as of July 2010). Although new web standards have emerged, they still use the principles behind RIAs.
Users generally need to install a software framework using the computer's operating system before launching the application, which typically downloads updates, verifies and executes the RIA. This is the main differentiator from JavaScript-based alternatives like Ajax which use built-in browser functionality to implement comparable interfaces. While some consider such interfaces to be RIAs, some consider them competitors to RIAs and others, including Gartner, treat them as similar but separate technologies.
RIAs dominate in online gaming as well as applications which require access to video capture (with the notable exception of Gmail, which uses its own task-specific browser plug-in). Nevertheless, web standards such as HTML5 have developed and the compliance of web browsers with those standards has somewhat improved. However, the need for plug-in based RIAs for accessing video capture and distribution has not diminished, even with the emergence of HTML5 and JavaScript-based desktop-like widget sets that provide alternative solutions for mobile web browsing.
Microsoft Silverlight is a new cross browser, cross platform client technology that is used to design, develop and deliver media enabled interactive applications on the web and is Microsoft?s answer to Adobe Flash.
Silverlight can he used by both designers and to developers because it provides a powerful platform that makes it easy to develop web applications with professional quality graphics, audio and video for an engaging user experience. Silverlight also offers powerful tools that will improve the productivity of both designers and developers.
Silverlight aims to compete with Adobe flash and the presentation components of AJAX. It also competes with Sun Microsystems?s JavaFX, which was launched a few days after Silverlight. The first CTP of Silverlight was released in dec2006.Microsoft aims to have a final released by rnid-2007.An unattributed report claimed that Microsoft aims to release certain parts of Silverlight source code as open source software, but the claim has been denied by Microsoft. Sam Ramji, Microsoft director of platform technology strategy, Said Microsoft has knows plans to open source Silverlight. However, portions of the dynamic Language Runtime, included with Silverlight have been made available on Microsoft?s codeplex website using the Microsoft Permissive License.
Web based applications have often represented a compromise between creating a high quality user interface and that amount of effort and the time that a development team can put into the application. Developers generally believe that browser simply do not support. The interactive and the expressive capabilities of a true client based application the result is that web based application often do not take full advantage of the capabilities of the users computer to provide an experience that users find not just functional ,but exciting.
But now one can use Microsoft Silverlight. Silverlight is a new cross browser, cross platform implementation of the .NET framework for building and delivering the next generation of media experience and rich interactive application for the web. Silverlight unifies the capabilities of the server, the web, and the desktop, of managed code and dynamic languages, of declarative and traditional programming and the power of windows presentation foundation. Silverlight offers great productivity through familiar tools and technologies based on the .NET framework
What is SilverLight
Silverlight combines multiple technologies in to a single development platform that enables a developer to select the right tools and the right programming languages for his needs. Silverlight offers the following features.
? WPF Silverlight includes windows presentation foundation (WPF) technology, which greatly extends the elements in the browser for creating UI .WPF can be used to create immersive graphics, animation, media and other rich client features, extending browser based UI beyond what is available with HTML alone.
? Extensions to JavaScript. Silverlight provides extensions to the universal browser scripting language that provide powerfull control over the browser UI, including the availability to work with WPF elements.
? Cross-browser, cross-platform support. Silverlight runs the same on all popular browsers (on any platform).
? Integration with existing applications. Silverlight integrates seamlessly with existing code to add to the existing functionality.
? Access to the .NET framework programming model and to associated tools. Silverlight based application can he created using languages such as C# and visual basic and development tools such as visual studio.
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