Software Reuse

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Software Reuse effectiveness can be improved by reducing cost and investment. Software reuse costs can be reduced when reusable components are easy to locate, adapt and integrate into new efficient applications. Reuse is the key paradigm for increasing software quality in the software development. This paper focuses on the implementation of software tool with a new integrated classification scheme to make classification build of software components and effective software reuse repositories to facilitate retrieval of software components depending upon user requirements.

1. Introduction
Software reuse is the use of engineering knowledge or artifacts from existing software components to build a new system. There are many work products that can be reused, for example source code, designs, specifications, architectures and documentation. The most common reuse product is source code. Four different classification techniques had been previously employed to construct reuse repository, namely, Free Text, Enumerated, Attribute Value, and Faceted classifications. The biggest problem of software reusability in many organizations is the inability to
locate and retrieve existing software components. To overcome this impediment, a necessary step is the ability to organize and catalog collections of software components, to quickly search a collection to identify candidates for potential reuse which would also become an aid to the software developer. Software reuse is an important area of software engineering research that promises significant improvements in software productivity and quality. Successful reuse requires having a wide variety of high quality components, proper classification and retrieval mechanisms. Effective software reuse requires that the users of the system have access to appropriate components. The user must access these components accurately and quickly, and if necessary, be able to modify them. Component is a well-defined unit of software that has a published interface and can be used in conjunction with components to form larger unit.

Reuse deals with the ability to combine independent software components to form a larger unit of software. To incorporate reusable components into a software system, programmers must be able to find and understand them. Classifying software allows reusers to organize collections of components into structures so that they can be searched
easily. Most retrieval methods require some kind of classification of the components. The classification system will become outdated with time and new technology. Thus the classification system must be updated from time to time affecting some or all of the components due to the change and hence it needs a reclassification.

This paper mainly focuses on implementation of a software tool with a new integrated classification scheme, to classify and build a comprehensive reuse repository.
This paper is organized into four sections. Section 2 illustrates existing classification methods. The proposed system is described in Section 3. Section 4 deals with experimentation on the proposed system and algorithms in detail. The results of the system when implemented are analyzed with examples in section 5.the section concludes the research work and projects future trends followed by bibliography.

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