Vehicle Management System

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The project title is ?Vehicle Management System? is software which is helpful for bus operators, who wants to operate many bus trips in a day. Vehicle Management System is a windows application written for 32-bit Windows operating systems which focused in the area of adding, editing and deleting the passengers, staff and the bus routes. In this software a person can be register as a user and he can manage the bus routes and the staff, passengers? details.? He can add a bus and its details including bus route details. User can also add the details of the staff and their duty time in the system.

1.1 Overview
Vehicle Management System is software which is helpful for bus operators, who wants to operate many bus trips in a day. Vehicle Management System is a windows application written for 32-bit Windows operating systems which focused in the area of adding, editing and deleting the passengers, staff and the bus routes. In this software a person can be register as a user and he can manage the bus routes and the staff, passengers? details.? He can add a bus and its details including bus route details. User can also add the details of the staff and their duty time in the system.

  • Bus Management
  • Route Management
  • Employee Management
  • Passenger Management

??????????? In Bus module a user can add a new bus details to the database. He can set the details of the route and the timing also. Bus details like the type, engine number, seating capacity and the route in which the bus is going to be operated are added. Whenever the user wants to modify these details he can update new values through this software. Route Management module deals with the route management of the bus. A user can add the route and if he wants he can change it or delete that route. The main advantage is that this module is helpful for the agents to get details of the route and the details of the bus which have trip to that route. He can also get the information of the number of seats available in a particular day. Employee details of any bus can add to the database and this is helpful to the bus operators in the case of the salary and bates for the employee. An operator can add the personal details and if we want to edit or delete he can done modification using the Vehicle Management System. This is very helpful for the passenger also; if they have any complaint against staff he can approach the operator and easily identify the employee. Details of every passenger are stored in the system. A user can add a passenger only one time and if he came again operator can identify that person. Operator can add, edit and delete the details of the passenger.

The Vehicle Management System (VMS ) is the Proactive management science of using and maintaining a fleet of vehicles in such a fashion that whilst spending the minimum amount of money , a Vehicle manager is able to offer his/her users maximum flexibility , availability and reliability.
VMS has been developed in conjunction with the Transport Industry in an effort to provide a total web-based solution for Maintenance, Operational and Administrative Controls in any vehicle situation.
The competitive nature of our transport world today requires that we manage all aspects of the transport business. The VMS includes customers resources, the vehicles that play an integral part in delivering your products and services to the customer.
VMS?S - incredibly focused philosophy:

  • To provide clients with strategic solutions that offer competitive

advantages - resulting in quick paybacks, improvements in long-term ?costs and excellent customer service.
1. Reductions in total local & global vehicle operating costs
2. Improvements in local & international data control and flexibility
3. Improvements in overall transportation savings
The Benefits
It is widely accepted by VMS that available feature changes the playing field by providing numerous benefits. The science of Vehicle Management has been forever changed by these benefits :

  • Improved Customer Service: more accurate prediction of arrival times, faster pickups and deliveries (dispatch closest vehicle by having real time
    information), reduce operator tardiness (information makes managing this a
    reality), Resolve Billing Disputes (recorded arrival and departure times)
  • Efficient Logistics Management: assist lost drivers, eliminate employee downtime, Dispatch at a glance (view part or the entire Vehicle), knowledge will create confidence and reduce stress and assures better management decisions (route evaluation, attract and retrain the best employees, efficient scheduling)
  • Profitability: serve more customers in less time, save on gas and slow Vehicle wear and tear, reduce unnecessary overtime, minimize unauthorized use of company vehicles, fewer resources to do equal or more work

Project Scope
VMS is web-based solution, to fulfill the Falcon Motors requirements. VMS is
integrated web-based solution comprises of following modules:

  • Vehicle Management
  • Tyre Management
  • Workshop
  • Trip Planning
  • Incidents and Accidents
  • Reports

Detail phases of the engagement:

  • Requirement gathering and Finalisation of User Requirements
  • High Level Design
  • Detail Design
  • Construction
  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • System Testing

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