Just as the term virtual means a simulation of the real thing, Virtual Campus is a simulated Campus via Internet, which provides a convenient communication environment for distance learners just like traditional face-to-face Campus. A virtual Campus allows learners to attend a class from anywhere in the world and aims to provides a learning experience that is similar to a real Campus. When we go to college we have a schedule of lectures, which we must attend. Student must arrive on time, and when he enters the Campus, he finds a teacher, fellow learners, a blackboard or whiteboard, LCD projector, optionally a television screen with videos. Likewise, a Virtual Campus is a scheduled, online, teacher-led training session where teachers and learners interact together using computers linked to a network such as the Internet. A virtual Campus enables to bring learners from around the world together online in highly interactive virtual classes while greatly reducing the travel, time, and expense of on-site teaching/training programs. It can be used as a solution for live delivery and interaction that addresses the entire process of creating and managing our teaching-learning process. It facilitates instructor and student in teaching-learning events, such as a seminar, online discussion or a live training for employees in company. As in traditional Campus, there are professor and fellow learners present with the student; we have many participants present in virtual Campus. They can talk with each other as in the traditional Campus via chat. Similarly presenter uses whiteboard, gives notes/resources, gives presentation as given in traditional one. Thus, virtual Campus can be visualized as a Campus where a lecture or session is conducted using Internet. Now, that we have some idea about virtual Campus, we will discuss some advantages that virtual Campus offers over traditional Campus.
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