1.1 Background Issues
Information Technology computer network especially when it has become one of the fundamentals in all aspects. Hard to imagine in this era of information technology as it is now without the use of computer network technology. It can be seen from the use of computer networks in a variety of forms both corporate and personal. Computer network technology has become one of key importance in the era of globalization and information technology. The number of possible hacking and data-sniffing make a question whether the data exchange is done on the internet by LAN or nirkable media completely - completely safe, One way to build security in data communication networks is to use the Internet network Virtual Private Network (VPN) . The basic idea of ??a private network (VPN) is that it can be used as an advantage of an open communication network infrastructure. VPN is necessary to determine a surety that the confidentiality of sensitive data can be maintained in the transmission on the network LAN or nirkable so that only users can be granted access to sensitive data. VPN systems are integrated into the communication system can realize the security, together with a security management capabilities are very high, so as to ensure the secure VPN that has been realized by using encryption and decryption. Packets will be sent in advance will not be encrypted so that the data can be easily known although the data has been extracted. With the encryption and decryption of the data via the internet is not accessible by others and even by other clients connected to the same VPN server though. Because the key to unlock the encryption known only to the VPN server and client are connected. Encryption and decryption caused the data can not be modified and read so that safety is assured. PT. Time Excelindo is a company engaged in the Internet Service Provider who is always attentive to the needs of consumers on the importance of data security that they they do on the internet. In the future expect to use VPN sensitive data that consumers sent or received via the Internet will be safe from eavesdropping. From the above background, the writer took the title "Implementation of VPN Server Using Slackware 13 for Data Communication Security (Case Study: PT. Time Excelindo ISP)."
1.2 Problem Formulation
1. How to analyze and design the infrastructure that must be built which include: hardware and software.
2. How to build and implement Virtual Private Network network using OpenVPN software.
3. How to analyze the quality of the data / VPN traffic in the network.
1.3 Objectives Papers
1. Can be used in the preparation of reference samples or Thesis.
2. As with information to students about business opportunities by utilizing VPN technology.
3. VPN can be used to protect sensitive data sent or received via the internet consumers.
OpenVPN 2.1
OpenVPN is an open source application for Virtual Private Networking (VPN), where the application can create a point-to-point tunnel that has been encrypted. OpenVPN uses private keys, certificates, or username / password to authenticate to establish a connection. Where to use OpenSSL encryption Feilner According to Mark in his book, Open VPN: building and operating virtual private networks OpenVPN pages 27-28 advantage, among others:
1. Layer 2 and Layer 3 VPNs.
OpenVPN offers two basic modes, which operate as both a VPN layer 2 or layer 3, so the OpenVPN tunnel can also be run on an Ethernet frame, the IPX packets and the Windows Network Browsing Packet (NETBIOS), all of which are a problem in the VPN solution.
2. Protecting field workers with the internal firewall.
Users who connect to the VPN server will create a tunnel and change network settings laptop / computer, so network traffic is sent through the tunnel. If the tunnel has been formed, the firewall of the VPN server will be able to protect your laptop / computer connected, even though it was not the local machine.
3. OpenVPN connections can be tunneled through almost every firewall tunnel. \
?OpenVPN can work on sites that use the HTTPS protocol.
4. Proxy support and configuration.
OpenVPN has proxy support and can be configured to run as a service and as a TCP or UDP server or client. As a server, just wait until the OpenVPN client connection requests, whereas the client, he tries to make a connection according to the configuration.
5. Only one port in the firewall must be opened to allow incoming connections.
Since OpenVPN 2.0, a special server mode allows multiple incoming connections on TCP or UDP port of the same, while still using a different configuration for every single connection.
6. Virtual interfaces allow very specific networking and firewall rules.
All rules, restrictions, and the concept of forwarding mechanism such as NAT can be used with OpenVPN tunnel.
7. High flexibility with extensive scripting possibilities.
Openvpn offers many points to start individual scripts. This script can be used for various purposes of authentication for failover or more.
8. Transparent, high-performance support for dynamic IPs.
OpenVPN no longer need to use a static IP on both sides of the tunnel. Both tunnel endpoints can have cheap DSL, access to the dynamic IP users will rarely see the IP changes on both sides. The second session of Windows Terminal Server and Secure shell (SSH) will just "hang" for a few seconds, but it will not stop the demand was prompted after a brief pause.
9. No problems with NAT.
Both OpenVPN server and client can be in a network that only use private IP addresses. Each firewall can be used to send traffic tunnel to another tunnel.
10.Simple installation on any platform.
Both the installation and the use of very simple. Especially, if you have been trying to set up IPsec connections with different implementations.
11. Modular design.
Modular design with a high degree of simplicity in both network security and outstanding. No other VPN solution that can offer the same range of possible levels of security.
2.2 Definition of a Virtual Private Network.
Virtual Private Network is a way to simulate a private network over a public network such as the Internet. Called "virtual" because it relies on the use of virtual connections, while connections that do not have a real physical presence, but consists of a packet is routed through the machine on the internet variation on an ad-hoc basis. A secure virtual connection made between the two machines, and networks, or two networks
According to the IETF, the Internet Engineering Task Force VPN is a form of private internet through a public network (the Internet), with emphasis on data security and global access via the internet. This relationship is built through a tunnel (tunnel) between two virtual node3. Data encapsulated (wrapped) with a header that contains routing information to get a point to point connection so that data across the public network and can reach the end goal. Meanwhile, to get a connection that is private, the data must be encrypted to maintain confidentiality in advance so that when the captured packets across the public network is not readable because they have to pass the decryption process. The process is often called data encapsulation tunneling4
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