The main aim of this project is to implement a system to identify ?accident by using wireless communication technology RF. The purpose of the project is to get information about the crashing of particular vehicle which passing through a remote area, and using sensor and transmitting a message to the concerned receiver section by using RF communication.
In present days Electronic communication takes an important role. In this project we are sending information about vehicle accident by using RF communication with the help of Microcontroller.
In our project we have two sections; at first section means the vehicle side, we are going to use the RF Transmitter?? to transmit the accident information. Accident of a vehicle is identified by using a sensor informs of a vehicle. Whenever the accident will happen the information will be sent to the receiver section .In this section we are using a H-bridge circuit to drive the motor.?? And second section is the receiver section; this is the section where we will get the information about accident of a vehicle.? Here the accident information displayed on lcd and a buzzer at this section will give a sound whenever accident occurs. In these two sections we using microcontroller which process the data and it will send to the other section by RF communication.
Every system is automated in order to face new challenges in the present day situation. Automated systems have less manual operations, so that the flexibility, reliabilities are high and accurate. Hence every field prefers automated control systems. Especially in the field of electronics automated systems are doing better performance. Any automated system will work effectively if it access wirelessly. Here in this project we are going to use RF communication for remote accessing of automated system. Probably the most useful thing to know about the RF communication is that it is an international standard communication.
RF communication works by creating electromagnetic waves at a source and being able to pick up those electromagnetic waves at a particular destination. These electromagnetic waves travel through the air at near the speed of light. The wavelength of an electromagnetic signal is inversely proportional to the frequency; the higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength.
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