WISENET is a wireless sensor network that monitors the environmental conditions such as light, temperature, and humidity. This network is comprised of nodes called "motes" that form an ad-hoc network to transmit this data to a computer that function as a server. The server stores the data in a database where it can later be retrieved and analyzed via a web-based interface. The network works successfully with an implementation of one sensor mote.
The technological drive for smaller devices using less power with greater functionality has created new potential applications in the sensor and data acquisition sectors. Low-power microcontrollers with RF transceivers and various digital and analog sensors allow a wireless, battery-operated network of sensor modules ("motes") to acquire a wide range of data. The TinyOS is a real-time operating system to address the priorities of such a sensor network using low power, hard real-time constraints, and robust communications.
The last few years have seen the emergence of numerous new wireless technologies have reached the market recently. While the general trend is to offer higher and higher data rates, there are many existing and new applications that do not require such a high bandwidth, but would strongly benefit from a wireless communication link. Examples of such applications are wireless sensor networks. In this perspective, the Microelectronics Division has launched a project called WISENET. Its main objective is to develop a low-power wireless ad-hoc network made of many distributed microsensors that are energetically autonomous and able to communicate amongst them and with the external world. WISENET will enable the monitoring and the control of physical and environmental parameters for a variety of applications. For example, WISENET will monitor security and safety in the future homes and offices
The first goal of WISENET is to create a new hardware platform to take advantage of newer microcontrollers with greater functionality and more features. This involves selecting the hardware, designing the motes, and porting TinyOS. Once the platform is completed and TinyOS was ported to it, the next stage is to use this platform to create a small-scale system of wireless networked sensors.
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