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It is a commonly held perception amongst biomechanists, sports medicine practitioners, baseball coaches and players, that an individual baseball player?s style of throwing or pitching influences their performance and susceptibility to injury. With the results of a series of focus groups with baseball managers and pitching coaches in mind, the available scientific literature was reviewed regarding the contribution of individual aspects of pitching and throwing mechanics to potential for injury and performance. After a discussion of the limitations of kinematics and kinetic analyses, the individual aspects of pitching mechanics are discussed under arbitrary headings: Arm rotation; Arm horizontal abduction , Arm abduction .
More research is needed to identify factors related to these injuries. A biomechanical model of the shoulder with detailed structures may find direct relation of the force and torque at the shoulder to these injuries. Studies correlating kinematics and incidence of injury would also be helpful.
A pitcher?s performance and a pitcher?s throwing movement is a very important part of baseball. The performance of a pitcher ultimately determines the outcome of the game. Also overuse or repetitive motion injuries are common in pitchers. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the kinematics performance and muscle activity of pitching. , improving qualitative understanding of the pitching motion ,
analysis of the resultant joint forces and torques created in pitching .

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