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In general terms, a fermentor is something that, as its name would suggest, ferments; this is, however, not a simple process. The process of fermentation has been known of for thousands of years, but has been mainly used over this time to the glucose found in various fruits, seeds and tubers into alcohol, later used for human consumption. In recent times, however, with increased knowledge of bacteria and fungi, fermentors have been put to a more (some would say) productive. A fermentor, then, is simply put an optimal environment for bacteria and / or fungi to grow in, and the cultivation of said organisms will yield a desirable substancee use.
A bioreactor is a vessel in which is carried out a chemical process which involves organisms or biochemically active substances derived from such organisms. Bioreactors are commonly cylindrical, ranging in size from some liter to cube meters,and are often made of stainless steel. in brief bioreactor can be considered as a large scale operation whose volume/capacity ranges to several litres whereas fermenter only ranges ~2 litres.
Bioreactor is a system used for the growth and
maintenance of a population of mammalian or
insect cells whereas Fermentor is a system used for the growth and
maintenance of a population of bacterial or fungal cells.
There is also geomerical difference between Fermentor and Bioreactor taller vessels are used for bacterial processes to improve oxygen mass transfer whereas Shorter vessels for mammalian cell culture to improve mixing.

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