Electronic Stability Control

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European Union has made ESC a mandatory for cars from 2008 and for heavy trucks & coaches to be fitted with ESC from 2010. US govt highway traffic safety administration has ordered Electronic Stability Control on all cars before 2012.
Skidding is one of the main reasons for traffic crashes, particularly those with fatal results. ESC actively supports the driver in those dangerous driving situations in which there is a risk of skidding and keeps the vehicle safely on course.
This project is a demonstration of ESC. Electronic stability control, or ESC, uses the speed sensors on each wheel and the ability to brake individual wheels. ESC adds a control unit that monitors steering wheel angle and vehicle rotation around the vehicle's vertical axis. This unit uses the steering and rotation information to detect that the vehicle is about to travel in a direction different from the one indicated by the steering wheel position. Then ESC automatically brakes the appropriate wheel to help the driver maintain control. A driver loses control when the vehicle goes in a direction different from the one indicated by the position of the steering wheel. This typically occurs when a driver tries to turn very hard (swerve) or to turn on a slippery road. Then the vehicle may understeer or oversteer. When a vehicle understeers it turns less than the driver intended and continues in a forward direction because the front wheels have insufficient traction. When it oversteers it turns more than the driver intended because the rear end is spinning or sliding out. ESC can prevent understeering and oversteering by briefly braking the appropriate wheel.
ESC builds on the advantages of ABS. ABS prevents the wheels from locking under full braking. ESC consists of ABS, added sensors and software. It checks where the driver wants to steer and where the vehicle is actually going, 25 times a second. If it identifies a critical situation, it reacts faster then the eye can blink.
ESC comes under hard real time system that needs a scheduling system to ensure that all transmission deadlines are met even at peak bus loads. Time Triggered Communication on CAN (TTCAN) is a software implementation of the time triggered function of TTCAN, based on existing CAN IC?s. When the nodes are synchronized, any message can be transmitted at a specific time slot, without competing with other messages for the bus. Thus the loss of arbitration is avoided, the latency time becomes predictable. At the heart of the Electronic Stability Control ECU the fuzzy control offers more robust and efficient ABS control systems since the dynamics of the braking systems are highly nonlinear and time variant.
These are some common situations where ESC could come in.
A truck unexpectedly changes lanes and forces the driver to take sudden avoiding action.
The curve of the road exit is tighter than the driver thought.
The door of a parked car suddenly open.
A cyclist in front of the vehicle makes an unexpected swerve to the left.
A person suddenly runs across the road and forces an avoiding maneuver.

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