Electronic toll is an inter-operate-ability system allowing cashless payment at toll booths on national highways. It increases revenue, curbing leakages and ensuring smooth travel across the country.
The problem without Electronic toll system is that most people have to wait in the queue of slow moving vehicles of the toll booth. Other problems include delay in reaching the destination, time wasting, and cash exchange.
The main objective of E-toll project is to collect funds to finance the construction and maintenance of road network. In addition E-toll facilitates the delivery of sophisticated services based on information that the systems able to collect. The services include various things, from fleet management of private companies to directing traffic, avoiding traffic congestion or informing drivers about traffic jams and road accidents ahead of time. The E-toll system helps to avoid wasting of time. It will prove effective in tracking of stolen vehicles and cash exchange. It also avoids the delay in reaching the destination. Currently this technology is used in countries like U.S.A, Canada, Argentina, Mexico and Chile.
The Radio Frequency Identification system uses two main components namely the RFID card and the RFID reader. The RFID card is similar to magnetic cards except the communication protocol used and the medium of transmission. Here in RFID, the medium for communication wireless whereas in magnetic card it is different. Wireless supports fast and distant accessing instead of coping the card to the reader as if in magnetic cards. The communication protocol used by the RFID card and the reader is weigand. Implement the program in microcontroller to read the data from the reader using the weigand protocol. After comparing the ID data using the microcontroller we can establish the access control for the user. Here the card will be given to each vehicle on the payment of deposit. Thereafter the card acts as the pass for that vehicle. The vehicle information and the owners information will be stored in the system EEPROM memory.
There are three important issues in developing the active RFID system: 1) the compatibility with heterogeneous systems. For the active RFID system operating in 433MHz, ISO/IEC 18000 part 7 defines the air interface.[2] The compatibility issue can be overcome using the standard air interface. 2) the lifetime of active RFID tags. Because an active RFID tag is powered by the internal energy, the lifetime of the tag is mainly dependent on the lifetime of the battery. For power saving mechanism, one should design the mechanism that the processor can completely turn off the radio or simply put it in sleep mode. 3) the ability to identify multiple tags. This issue is important in the item management environment. To get higher identification rate of multiple objects, proper collision arbitration and error check mechanism should be used. 4)the security mechanism to prevent accessing by malicious users. In this paper, I present the design and implementation of an active RFID system platform which complies with the ISO/IEC 18000-7 standard. Our system platform is composed of tags and a reader which GUI host interface. T
he hardware design of the tags and the reader is minimal and flexible using commercial off-the-shelf components. The software part of the system is composed of the protocol handler to comply with the standard air interface and host interface to communicate the legacy system. The organization of the paper is as following. We present international standards and related works in the next section. Then I describe the thread to privacy and security issues in section3. Then I describe lightweight mutual authentication protocol in section4. Then, I describe the development of our active RFID system operating in 433MHz in section 5, and explain software developed on the active RFID system in section6. Before concluding this paper.
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