GSM Based Voting System

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?In democratic societies, voting is an important tool to collect and re-act people?s opinion.? Traditionally, voting is conducted in centralized or distributed places called voting booths. Voters go to voting booths and cast their votes under the supervision of authorized parties. The votes are then counted manually once the election has finished. With the rapid development of computer technology and cryptographic methods, electronic voting systems can be employed that replace the incident and most importantly error-prone human Component. To increase the efficiency and accuracy of voting procedures, computerized voting systems were developed to help collecting and counting the votes. These include Lever Voting Machines, Punched Cards for Voting, Optical Mark-Sense Scanners and Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting systems.
The term e-voting is defined as any voting method where the voter?s intention is expressed or collected by electronic means. E-Voting has been performed recently in some nations and regions. In an e-voting by touch screen, a voter directly selects candidates or the vote content appeared on a screen as the finger. This voting with fast counting time has also a problem that voters go to the polling place. In the meantime, an e-voting using internet has no inconvenience that voters should visit the voting booth. However, this voting is executed just in the environment with internet accessible computer.
For a variety of reasons, voters may be unable to attend voting booths physically, but need to vote remotely, for example, from home or while traveling abroad. Hence, there is great demand for remote voting procedures that are easy, transparent, and, most importantly, secure.?
In this project, we Endeavour to improve mobility and address security problems of remote voting procedures and systems. We present an electronic voting scheme using GSM. With more than one billion users, the GSM authentication infrastructure is the most widely deployed authentication mechanism by far. We make use of this well-designed GSM authentication infrastructure to improve mobility and security of mobile voting procedures.
An e-voting system that allows a voter to be identified using a wireless certificate without additionally registering when a user votes using his mobile terminal such as a cellular phone.. We also present a method that ensures the anonymity of voter and the confidentiality of vote content. By our mobile voting system, a voter can cast his vote more easily and conveniently than the existing e-voting using internet, within the scheduled time period anywhere even when a voter is not able to access internet on a voting day. Our proposal can be applied not only to presidential election but also to any votes such as a national assembly election or a local election.??
Here is the Percentage of Voting From 1952 to 2004 of Lok sabha Election:???????????????????????
First???????????? ??????????1952??????????? ?????????61.02%???
Second???????? ?????????1957???????? ????????????62.09%????
Third??????????? ?????????1962??????????? ?????????55.42%????
Fourth????????? ?????????1967??????????? ?????????61.33%??
Fifth????????????? ????????1971?????????? ??????????55.29%????
Sixth??????????? ??????????1977????????? ???????????60.49%??
Seventh??????? ?????????1980??????????? ?????????56.92%????
Eight????????? ???????????1984??????????? ?????????63.56%? ??
Ninth??????????? ?????????1989?????????? ??????????61.15%?
Tenth?????????? ??????????1991??????????? ?????????56.93%????
Eleventh???? ???????????1998?????????? ??????????61.97%????
Twelfth???????? ????????1999??????????? ??????????59.99%????
Thirteen?????? ??????????2004????????? ????????????57.65%???????????????????????
Here we can see that average voting rate is approximately 50 to 60 percentages.
Consider the case if any one? registered voter in his/her? home state that is Goa, if he? need to register himself in Bangalore he need to prove that he? is a resident there. However, he lives as a paying guest; he has no proof of residence, so registering himself in Bangalore is not an option. Importantly he is not acquainted with the political scenario there and so even if he had an opportunity to vote he would not know whom to vote for, except make a choice along party lines, that too the national ones only, most of us people from outside the State hardly know the regional parties. So in effect, he would be able to make the best choice if he was to vote in Goa.?
Metropolitan cities consists of millions of people, from all parts of the country, a large majority of them are a floating population like above case , working one state but with no political id entity. Therefore, there is need of remote voting system to increase the voting rate.

India is world?s largest democracy. Fundamental right to vote or simply voting in elections forms the basis of Indian democracy. In India all earlier elections a voter used to cast his vote by using ballot paper. This is a longtime-consuming process and very much prone to errors. This situation continued till election scene was completely changed by electronic voting machine. No more ballot paper, ballot boxes, stamping,etc.all this condensed into a simple box called ballot ?unit of the electronic voting machine. Cell phone based voting machine is capable of saving
considerable printing stationery and transport of large volumes of electoral material. It is easy to transport, store, and maintain. It completely rules out the chance of invalid votes. Its use results reduction of polling time, resulting in fewer problems in electoral preparations, law and order, candidates' expenditure,etc. and easy and accurate counting without any mischief at the counting centre. The aim of our project is to design & develop a mobile based voting machine. In this project user can dial the specific number from any land line or mobile phone to cast his vote. Once the user is connected to the voting machine he can enter his password & choice of vote. If he has entered a valid choice & password his vote will be caste with two short duration beeps. For invalid password/choice long beep will be generated. User is allotted 15 seconds to enter his password & choice. A reset button is provided for resetting the system. A total key is provided to display the result.


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