In the era of technology, the voting machine, which is present today, is highly unsecured. Being in the age of Computers we are compromising the security by opting for Electronic voting machine because in the present electronic voting machine is not intelligent that is it cannot determine the person came for the voting is eligible or not . That mean the whole control is kept in the hand of voting in charge officer. One more risk with the present voting machine is that any body can increase the vote count, since the count is present in the machine itself.
In proposed machine that is ?Global Wireless E-Voting ?. In this the machine is made intelligent which can determine the eligibility of the voter by scanning the eye pattern and also the vote count is not kept into the same machine itself instead of it it is store in the remote server by converting it into radio waves. Here there is no chance of increasing the vote count of machine. Even in case of damage to voting machine there will not be harm to continuity of the election process. The overall concept of ?Global Wireless E-Voting ?is explained.
In India election has supreme weight age. So to make it secured and efficient in the vision of modern technology we are ?Global Wireless E-Voting?.
Why we are looking for it?
? Since now days voting system is replaced by electronic machine to carry out voting.
? Now in a present system each and every section is given a electronic machine which stores the votes of the people how have voted for the particular candidate.
? Control of present system is given to the in charge officer. He only check for the eligibility of the candidates and allow for the voting.
? Finally we collect all the voting machine at a place and go for counting.
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