Green Manufacturing:
?How environmental concerns are influencing the way things are made, moved, and disposed of?
What is green manufacturing?
?Manufacturing giants General Electric, DuPont and Toyota have been at the forefront of selling green. In doing so, many of these companies also work with the government to help develop policy. For instance, earlier in the year a group of manufacturers and big business, which includes GE and DuPont, formed an organization that calls for a cap on carbon dioxide emissions.?
?Last December, Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. rolled out its green marketing campaign, Nissan Green Program 2010. Primary program goals include CO2 reductions to meet upcoming U.S. and European emissions standards and the development of various alternative-power technologies. The company is exploring several types of technologies because cost isn't the only challenge regulations present. Manufacturers also must gain customer acceptance, according to Larry Dominique, vice president of product planning for Nissan North America.?
? As CARB (California Air Resources Board) began discussing their ideas of enacting more stringent emission limits for manufacturers in 2010, Toyota quickly reacted by first studying whether or not meeting these levels was technologically feasible, then evaluated the cost/value impact of meeting such levels three years early," Boyd says. "As an organization fully committed to environmentally friendly products and processes, the decision to certifiably meet California's 2010 emission levels did not meet much resistance within Toyota's executive-level management.?
While recent pressure to become green may have increased the desire of companies to waste less, they also want to decrease waste to ensure greater profit margins. If something is sold at the same price but less material, labor and effort is needed to produce it, then this is seen as a gain for the company. While waste minimization for a company often requires an investment of capital and time, it is almost always paid for with increased efficiency and more goodwill towards the company as well.
Different processes used to reduce waste:
Resource Optimization: using raw materials more effectively
This method is very useful for many manufacturing companies to take advantage of.?
For example: The reuse of scrap metal is very useful because most metal properties allow it to be melted and used for the same purpose.
Improving quality control measures
Investing more time in process monitoring, such as, making sure the product is made complete and green throughout the whole process
The design of the process and the product that will be used to produce the selling product is the most important part of manufacturing. Focusing on the management of the process and products being used will take up much time and capitol, but the return on investment should forecast to a much higher return.
Improving quality of the product
Benefits of Waste Elimination In Manufacturing
?A company that waste is a company that could be doing much better?
Many companies need to focus more on streamlining there process rather than trying to make a quick dollar. Streamlining is a process through which a company eliminates waste through its production process. A streamlined business is also able to more accurately deliver its products. It avoids the common and serious problem of over production that plagues so many businesses. Also maintaining a streamlining appearance represents your company as on the ?up and up?
Imagine a small amount of waste continuing over several years and you can see just how much money and time can be lost.
strategic waste elimination plan find definition
What is green manufacturing?
?? Green Manufacturing is a method for manufacturing that minimizes waste and pollution achieved through product and process design. It slows the depletion of natural resources as well as lowering the extensive amounts of trash that enter landfills.? Its emphasis is on reducing parts, rationalizing materials, and reusing components, to help make products more efficient to build.
Green Manufacturing is a philosophy rather than an adopted process because it motivates ongoing improvement efforts even though it may be impossible to achieve.It is a holistic endeavor intended to result in less waste, cleaner products and processes, a better and safer working environment, improved relationships between companies and local communities, compliance with government regulations, and enhancement of profitability and competitiveness.
The reason it is such an important tool is because it intertwines with today?s manufacturing strategies of global sourcing, concurrent engineering, and total quality
Green Manufacturing?s Goal
*Its goal is to achieve sustainability.
*Every company when it comes to green manufacturing should be?
conserving natural resources for future generations.
Why Green Manufacturing?
To answer the? above question one has to ask questions about the Manufacturer?s Responsibilities,so as to, Where does a manufacturer?s responsibility end? What is an acceptable level of toxic emission?
The questions further lead to more questions to be answered, as to,Responsibility, does it end at the sale? Does a customer's responsibility end at the landfill when they are finished using the product?
Who should decide on the toxic level? The people that live in the neighborhood of the government?
In the end no one really knows where anything stops and so therefore companies and individuals must take it upon themselves to help eliminate waste. They should not wait for it to become a law????So GO GREEN.
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Benefits Of Green Manufacturing
The reputation of a company to the public is always an important thing because it can float or sink a company.? If a company pollutes its neighborhoods, people would begin to move away creatinga lack of employees which might damage their production numbers.
Eliminating waste saves money because companies wouldn't have to figure out what to do with parts in the end when it could be recycled.
Firms that are using green manufacturing create 2x the products due to its research and development. (Richard Florida in California Management Article)
Process of Green Manufacturing
Examples of new technologies would be things like pollution prevention, production process modernization, materials substitution. etc.
End of life management is the full life cycle starting from the virgin materials to the use and disposal of the final product.
Global environmental standards like ISO 14000 are being introduced that emphasize management systems that address environmental concerns, operations that consider energy and natural resource consumption, and systems for measuring, assessing and managing waste streams.
Reduction of wastage has also helped in the cost reduction in the long-term perspective. Wastage reduction directly deals with the minimization of residuals. Any manufacturing process produces residuals and/or generates wastage. Residuals are normally different from the input resources, while wastage is the superfluous resources, which could not be tapped into the transformation process.
Residuals can be reduced in manufacturing plants by three common methods. They are reuse, remanufacture, and recycle. Reuse occurs when the component has minor changes made before forming a part of the final product. Remanufacture, results in considerable change in the component before it can be taken back into the product. Recycle requires maximum transformation before it can be taken back into the manufacturing cycle. Most of the times recycle involves out-of-industry treatment for the component to be made useful. For example, printing may use recycled paper, which becomes useful only after the paper has been reprocessed in paper mills. Thus, reused, remanufactured and recycled components are taken back into conversion process at different stages with recycled being taken back at the earliest phase of production.
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