HVDC Technologies

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In modern power systems network, it is essential to transmit power from one region to another region in order to meet the load demands. This can only possible by having Asynchronous power transmission between two regions operating at different frequency. This Asynchronous power transmission is called HVDC transmission.
??????????? Beginning with a brief historical perspective on the development of High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission systems, this paper presents an overview of the status of HVDC systems in the world today. It then reviews the underlying technology of HVDC systems, and HVDC systems from a design, construction, operation and maintenance points of view. The paper then discusses the recent developments in HVDC technologies. The paper also presents an economic and financial comparison of HVDC system with those of an AC system; and provides a brief review of reference installations of HVDC systems. The paper concludes with a brief set of guidelines for choosing HVDC systems in today?s electricity system development.
?????????? In today electricity industry, in view of the liberalization and increased effects to conserve the environment, HVDC solutions have more desirable for the following reasons:

  • Environmental advantages
  • Economical (cheapest solution)
  • Asynchronous interconnections
  • Power flow control
  • Added benefits to the transmission (stability, power quality etc.)

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