In this design, we present a Home Automation System using telephone lines. The system consists of two subsystems. One is the Remote Control system. The other one is the Phone Monitoring system. The Remote Control system used the Dual Tone Multi-frequency signals to control the operations of various appliances. The hardware and software are designed based on the standard telephone system. The Phone Monitoring system provides convenient services for the user to better monitoring the usage of their phones. Experimental results show that the two subsystems provide better home services and living quality for modern lives.
Most often, the users would like to have remote control on some preliminary operations of their home appliances before they go back to home. These operations may be the turn on or off the air conditioner, the cooker, the light, the video, or the security system, or even some things that he or she forgot to do before leaving, etc. It will be comfortable and convenient for people to live in such a modern house with the above functions. Besides, phone is an important bridge of two parties. Sometimes it is important to keep the information of conversations to protect the family. In this case, it is useful to have extra functions to monitor the usage of phones. These functions include automatic warning and recording.
The above needs bring up the idea of Home Automation in modern lives. That includes two major parts. One is the RC (Remote Control) system. The other is the PM (Phone Monitoring) system. Both applications introduced, were designed based on the standard telephone system. This means that the above systems can be installed for public use widely. Both systems were designed based on the DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-frequency) signals that are produced by the telephone system. The DTMF signals were sent from the user end to the destination end. The RC system detects the number of phone ring and a set of defined codes to determine if a remote control signal has been sent out to control the operation of target appliance. If the control signal is confirmed by the system, the system will send out a control signal to initiate the operation of the appliance.
The PM system will send out a warning signal and automatically record the content of the
Conversation if it detects an in or out call of the phone. In this design, we will discuss the design of the Home Automation system using a standard DTMF phone system.
The code is written in assembly language in AT89c2051 microcontroller and is compiled through the compiler Kiel software.
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