Microbiology is a broad term of study that can cover intimate details of a wide variety of subjects.? It contains within its field, many subsets of exploration into the makeup of all matter, and can help us trace the roots of our existence on this planet, and the future of where we may be headed.? Virology, Mycology and Bacteriology are all some of the many focused fields of study that exist with this vast and ever-growing investigation into life.
Microbiology is a field of study that seems to redefine itself, grow and change as much as the subjects being studied.? The existence of microorganisms was a loose concept looked at as far back as the 6th century but was speculation without proof until verified years later with the aid of technology.? Microscopic creatures exist in all parts of the universe and within plants and animals.? In 1665 Robert Hooke made the first recorded study of his research in that of different types of mold.? But it wasn?t until Charles Darwin did we realize how much of this infinite form we did not even come close to mastering.? In October of 1835 Darwin explored the Galapagos Islands, what he would find would later shape his views on natural selection.? He would find that this was a large universe containing way more than the average person thought possible.? It was discovered by Edward O. Wilson that billions of bacteria live in a gram of soil, and with that being said imagine the amount that would exist with a hand full of soil, left alone the complex workings of a plant.? Darwin through his study began to find that there were branches of life that connected all things.? Where we came from and where we are headed in the course of evolution can be previewed in the study of microbiology.? Everything that inhabits this planet helps provide for one another, so the more we know about the structure of one organism, the more we can know about how we impact one another.? Just as microbiology influenced Darwin in his views of evolution, the growth of every organism holds influence over the shape and forms that other organisms will embody.
So it is with each day of evolving and each day of study that we can bare witness to how we will grow, and where we will go.? It?s an ever-changing and somewhat unpredictable future but one that will bring knowledge along the path we are on.? We never have to worry about becoming complacent or bored because it will not still long enough for us to think that we?ve heard and seen it all.
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