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The aim of technology is to make products in a large scale for cheaper prices and increased quality. The current technologies have attained a part of it , but the manufacturing technology is at macro level. The future lies in manufacturing product right from the molecular level. Research in this direction started way back in eighties. At that time manufacturing at molecular and atomic level was laughed about. But due to advent of nanotechnology we have realized it to a certain level. One such product
manufactured is PILL CAMERA, which is used for the treatment of cancer, ulcer and anemia. It has made revolution in the field of medicine
This tiny capsule can pass through our body, without causing any harm it. It takes pictures of our intestine and transmits the same to the receiver of the computer analysis of our digestive system. This process can help tracking any kind of disease related to digestive system. Also we have discussed the drawbacks of PILL CAMERA and how these drawbacks can be overcome by using Grain sized motor and bi-directional wireless telemetry capsule .Besides this we have reviewed the process of manufacturing products using nanotechnology . Some other important applications are also discussed along with their potential impacts on various fields.
we have made great progress in manufacturing products. Looking back from where we stand now, we started from flint knives and stone tools and reached the stage where we make such tools with more precision than ever. The leap in technology is great but it is not going to stop here. With our present technology we manufacture products by casting, milling, grinding, chipping and the likes. With these technologies we have made more things at a lower cost and greater precision than ever before . In the manufacture of these products we have been arranging atoms in great thundering statistical herds. All of us know manufactured products are made from atoms.The properties of those products depend on how those atoms are arranged. If we rearrange atoms in dirt, water and air we get grass. The next step in manufacturing technology is to manufacture products at molecular level. The technology used to achieve manufacturing at molecular level is ?NANOTECHNOLOGY?.
Nanotechnology is the creation of useful materials, devices and system through manipulation of such miniscule matter (nanometer)..Nanotechnology deals with objects measured in nanometers. Nanometer can be visualized as billionth of a meter or millionth of a millimeter or it is 1/80000 width of human hair.
Manipulation of atoms is first talked about by noble laureate Dr.Richard Feyngman long ago in 1959 at the annual meeting of theAmerican Physical Society at the California institute of technology -
Caltech. and at that time it was laughed about. Nothing was pursued init till 80?s. The concept of nanotechnology is introduced by Drexler in the year 1981 through his article ?The Engines of Creation?. In 1990, IBM researchers showed that it is possible to manipulate single atoms. They positioned 35 Xenon atoms on the surface of nickelcrystal, using an atomic force microscopy instrument. These positioned atoms spelled out the letters?IBM?.
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