The process of project work depends on intelligence, skills, creativity, and energy of group of student. Project work has been required studies of number of subject project work will provide an opportunity for coordination and integration of theory and practices a wide of cognitive skill and necessary in a technician.
The purpose of providing project work is to expose to problems and to introduce you to the procedures used to reach e efficient acceptable solution. By doing this you gain confidence in taking decision and taking problems project work will integrate and train the skill required by you in study.
The following are the main characteristics of the project:
A project has fixed set of objective have been achieved, the project cease to exit.
A project cannot continue endlessly.? It has to come to an end what represents the end would normally be spelt out in the set of objective.
A project is one entity and is normally entrusted to one responsibility centre while the participants in the project are many.
A project call for a team work the team is constituted of members belonging to different disciplines and organization.
A project has life cycle, reflected by growth maturing and decay.? It definitely has a learning component.
No two projects are exactly similar, even if they are duplicated.? The location, the infrastructure, the organics and the people make the project unique.
A project sees many changes may not have any major impact.? The can be some changes which with change the entire character or course of the project.
What is going to happen during the life cycle of project is not fully known at any stage.? The detail gets finalized successively with the passage of time.
A project is always made to the order of its customer.? The customer states various requirements and puts constraints within which the project must be executed.
A project is a complex set of thousands of verities.? The verities are in terms of technology, equipments and materials, machinery and people, work culture and ethics.? But they remain inter related and unless this is so, it is not possible to complete the project successfully.
????? 11.Risk AND UNCERTAINITY :
Every project has risk and uncertainty associated with it.? The degree of risk and uncertainty depends on how the project is passed through its various life cycle phases.? An ill defined project has high degree of risk and uncertainty.
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The following are the main objective of project.
1.4 Aims of project work:
The course listed above can be achieved by designing suitable learning exercises in class room, laboratory, following aims could be achieved.
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