The phenomenon displayed in my device is called persistence of vision (POV). Basically, it is why you see a blur when something moves really fast. My project flashes the LED?s on and off in certain positions. At any moment only one line of the image is illuminated but due to the speed of the disc and POV, a complete image can be distinguished. This is only because the human eye has a relatively slow ?shutter speed? of 1\50 of a second. This means that if something raced through your field of view in less than a 50 th of a second, you wouldn?t see it (much). From this value you could say that my disc needs to make 50 complete revolutions every second for an effective image to appear. Luckily, the human brain is clever enough to comprehend an image from my disc when it is spinning as slow as 10 times per second. A standard camera has a shutter speed of 1\250. There is no way my disc will ever spin 250 times a second, therefore to catch a photo of my disc you need to set a very slow shutter speed.
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