Wind mill power is created from the changeover of wind energy into another functional form of energy using wind mills. For power to be created, the blades of a wind mill must first catch wind and be moved by it. Wind is infinite that it is the cheapest and most useful power source. Since the 12th Century, wind mills have become useful to break up corn and push water to the field. At present wind mills have become a means to generate electrical energy. There are a considerable number of individuals who are now relying on the electricity-generating wind mill since it is safe to the environment and it lessens their electric charges.
Each piece of a wind mill is varied to make it more pliable. In the old days, wind mills are made up of of a tower-dome to which are attached four or six huge sails, oftentimes these are wrapped with canvas. They are also maintained facing the wind either by going around the entire tower or by moving the dome where the canvasses are connected. This is navigated by hand or by a rudder or vane which automatically breaks the dome when the wind swerves. Wind mills in modern days are transformed into a more advanced equipment that has the ability to produce electricity.
Wind turbines, or what people named then as wind mills, are more high-tech and they vary in two types. The two types of wind turbines are named according to the axis upon which its body revolves?horizontal and vertical axis turbine. The horizontal axis wind turbine is a kind of wind turbine that is designed like the basic wind mill in the past times. The dissimilarity from the horizontal and vertical axis wind turbine rests on how their key rotor shafts and generators are incorporated. Wind mill electricity is raised counting on how much energy the blades of the rotor shafts make. Primary rotor shafts on each types of turbines are incorporated in various ways. The main rotor shaft of the horizontal axis wind turbine directs into the wind while main rotor shaft of the vertical axis wind turbine is exposed perpendicularly. In horizontal wind turbines, the generator is put at the summit of the column while the vertical axis wind turbines generator can be located about the footing where it is more ready to hand. The rotor shaft and the generator won?t operate as it should without a tower. As a whole, there are three standard elements of a wind mill: the rotor shaft, the generator and the tower.
Wind turbines are usually positioned in distinct fields but now there are mini-wind turbines that can be located in residential houses. Smaller wind mills can provide adequate amount of electrical energy to energize home appliances like computers, electric fan, electric irons and more.
Wind mills for certain have a number of valuable contributions but it won?t get away from critics who stated a few problems on wind mills. People complained about the brattle coming from wind turbines. Fowls were killed by these wind turbines. Also wind speed varies in various areas?some times it is powerful and there are times it is excessively down that the blades of a wind mill won?t even propel. Aside from these problems, wind mill power has been an efficient supplier of energy to most people.
Energy is a basic requirement for economic development. Every sector of Indian economy agriculture, industry, transport, commercial, and domestic ? needs inputs of energy. The economic development plans implemented since independence have necessarily required increasing amounts of energy. As a result, consumption of energy in all forms has been steadily rising all over the country.
This growing consumption of energy has also resulted in the country becoming increasingly dependent on fossil fuels such as coal and oil and gas. Rising prices of oil and gas and potential shortages in future lead to concerns about the security of energy supply needed to sustain
our economic growth. Increased use of fossil fuels also causes environmental problems both locally and globally.
Against this background, the country urgently needs to develop a sustainable path of energy development. Promotion of energy conservation and increased use of renewable energy sources are the twin planks of a sustainable energy supply.
Fortunately, India is blessed with a variety of renewable energy sources, the main ones being biomass, biogas, the sun, wind, and small hydro power. (Large hydro power is also renewable in nature, but has been utilized all over the world for many decades, and is generally not included in the term ?new and renewable sources of energy?.) Municipal and industrial
Wastes can also be useful sources of energy, but are basically different forms of biomass.
The Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources has been implementing comprehensive programmers for the development and utilization of various renewable energy sources in the country. As a result of efforts made during the past quarter century, a number of technologies and devices have been developed and have become commercially available. These include biogas plants, improved wood stoves, solar water heaters, solar cookers, solar lanterns, street lights, pumps, wind electric generators, water-pumping wind mills, biomass gasifies, and small hydro-electric generators. Energy technologies for the future such as hydrogen, fuel cells, and bio-fuels are being actively developed.
India is implementing one of the world?s largest programmers in renewable energy. The country ranks second in the world in biogas utilization and fifth in wind power and photovoltaic production. Renewable sources already contribute to about 5% of the total power generating capacity in the country. The major renewable energy sources and devices in use in India are listed in Table 1 along with their potential and present status in terms of the number of installations or total capacity.
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