While actually giving in to our body?s natural wants such as sleep, we?re keeping the balance beam in an upright and neutral position ? generally a good thing to do. But life comes and calls quite often, many times forcing us to put hunger, drowsiness, and other basic human needs on the back burner in order to seal the deal and get the job done.
So here?s the scenario, you?re sitting in your car getting ready for a big meeting that if completed will net your company nice little multi-billion dollar deal. You?re supposed to be going over your notes and preparing yourself for this staple achievement. But instead, you find yourself doing the whole bobble head thing, getting dangerously to the steering wheel with each and every bob. If only there were something to keep you awake?
This circuit saves both time and electricity for students. It helps to prevent them from dozing off while studying, by sounding a beep at a fixed time interval, say, 30 minutes.
If the student is awake during the beep, he can reset the circuit to beep in the next 30 minutes. If the timer is not reset during this time, it means the student is in deep sleep or not in the room, and the circuit switches off the light and fan in the room, thus preventing the wastage of electricity.
Students: Maybe they forgot the exam was tomorrow, maybe they were out partying, or maybe they just waited until the last minute. In any case, college students always have the need to burn the midnight oil. The problem is that it is extremely easy to fall asleep in the midst of studying and before you know it, morning has come and the exam is already over or you still haven't learned the material. If you don't want that to happen, then keep this reliable anti sleep alarm at your side.
?The anti-sleep driving alarm for people doing all night drives as well as security guards and others we have to sit in one place for long periods of time without any stimulating interaction. The newest high tech way to stay awake is a good purchase for you whether you ever have to drive back home after an exhausting day at work or just need to get something done and sleep is not an option. This trusty sleep alarm will keep you at full alert and is always ready to help if your head dozes off.
This has the potential to save lives on the road. Long distance lorry drivers can fall asleep by driving too long hours due to the pressures put on them to get the goods to their destination at certain times. This item has the potential to keep them awake or at least to tell them when they are over tired and need to stop driving!
All-night Drivers: accidents due to drivers falling asleep at the wheel are quite common. Maybe a long and tiring day at the office has drained your energy and all you want to do is return home and sleep. Some drivers tend not to pay attention on long stretches of a boring road they know too well and without knowing it they doze off. Protect yourself and your passengers with this anti sleep alarm.
Security Guards: This anti sleep alarm will make sure your eyes are kept wide open and on the target.
Students: Maybe they forgot the exam was tomorrow, maybe they were out partying, or maybe they just waited until the last minute. In any case, college students always have the need to burn the midnight oil. The problem is that it is extremely easy to fall asleep in the midst of studying and before you know it, morning has come and the exam is already over or you still haven't learned the material. If you don't want that to happen, then keep this reliable anti sleep alarm at your side.
In Summary:
??????????? Reliable and comfortable anti sleep alarm.
??????????? Great for drivers, students, office workers, security guards.
??????????? Powerful and heavy vibrating when you doze off, turn it off when not needed
Replaceable button cell battery will last for half a year (used every day for 3 hours).
This circuit saves both time and electricity for students. It helps to prevent them from dozing off while studying, by sounding a beep at a fixed time interval, say, 30 minutes.
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