E-call a Call Between Life and Death

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?????????????????????? The communication says not only that something has happened but also how serious the accident is and gives the location of the vehicle involved in the accident.
In the event of an accident, the on-board e-Call device transmits an emergency call to the most appropriate public service answering point (PSAP) along with certain vehicle-related data (notably the vehicle's precise location). ?Actually it works either with the human intervention or even without it. , there will also always be a voice connection between the vehicle and the rescue centre in addition to the data link

???????????????????????????????? Imagine you had a serious accident and no one saw it or even worse: no one is there. What do you do if you are injured or trapped in the vehicle on a lightly traveled country road and need help? Then this technology will help you and save your life. In the event of an accident, these systems immediately transmit an emergency call to the local rescue service either manually or no manually (on its own). The communication says not only that something has happened but also how serious the accident is and gives the location of the vehicle involved in the accident






??????????????????????????????????? ?Over 100,000 die in Indian road accidents in a year. India has the world?s highest number of road accident deaths, and it is steadily climbing every year. The World Road Statistics 2006, which provides the data for the year 2003 in respect of India, indicates that the number of persons killed per lakh of population in India is 8.08 .The number of deaths due to road accident is estimated at more than a lakh (1, 01,439) during the year 2006 as compared to the figure of 94,968 deaths for the year 2005. In these accidents many occur at highway, Most of the fatalities occur soon after the accident. Statistics says that 30 percent of deaths occur within minutes of the crash. Fifty percent occur before the victim arrives at a hospital. Fully 70 deaths occur within two hours of a crash. Reducing medical response time to one minute would translate into saving approximately 30,000 lives per year. It also reduces severity of survivors' injuries, shortening their recovery time and decreasing their medical costs.


  1. Tri-axial accelerometer: ?A sensor measures acceleration and deceleration forces in all three planes to determine the force of a crash.
  2. Seat weight sensors: Determine which seats are occupied.
  3. Safety belt sensors: ?Determine which safety belts are buckled.
  4. Air bag sensors: Determine which air bags, if any, were deployed and at what force.
  5. GPS receiver: Determines direction of travel and the vehicle's precise location.
  6. CMOS camera: Located in the dome light, it captures a single image of the vehicle interior after a crash incident.
  7. Flash memory: Records the 200 ms duration of the crash pulse, including 50 ms of pre-crash data.
  8. On-board microprocessor: Compiles data to compute an accurate portrayal of the incident.
  9. Onboard communications: Data is transmitted to the vehicle owner's cellular phone through a short range communications system that uses a radio transceiver built into tiny microchips. It allows a high transfer rate of secure data, even in noisy environments, with low power consumption.
  10. ?Cellular phone: Automatically calls emergency rescue authorities and transmits vital crash data via cellular modem.
  11. ?Power supply: An independent source assures that all components of the Rescue Car system can function if the vehicle's main battery is damaged in the crash.

Actually it works either with the human intervention or even without it. ?????????????????????????????????????????By pushing a button in the car, the call to the emergency centre can also be made manually. In either case, be it made manually or automatically, there will also always be a voice connection between the vehicle and the rescue centre in addition to the data link. Thus, further details on the accident can be given if anybody in the car is capable of speaking and answering questions

In the event of an accident, the on-board e-Call device transmits an emergency call to the most appropriate public service answering point (PSAP) along with certain vehicle-related data (notably the vehicle's precise location). The emergency call can be triggered either manually by the occupants of the vehicle or automatically, in the event of a serious accident, thanks to sensors installed in the vehicle.
When in the event of an accident a car senses a major impact, its e-Call device automatically calls the nearest emergency centre (Public Safety Answering Point ? PSAP). For the calls to work all over the European Union, the single European emergency number 112 is used. The car transmits a so-called minimum set of data. The exact geographic location of the crashed car is part of the set. The fact that the rescue services immediately get the accurate location data drastically cuts their response time: the ambulance, to pick an example, will be on the spot much quicker. ?By pushing a button in the car, the call to the emergency centre can also be made manually. In either case, be it made manually or automatically, there will also always be a voice connection between the vehicle and the rescue centre in addition to the data link. Thus, further details on the accident can be given if anybody in the car is capable of speaking and answering questions. The message sent within the emergency call contains a minimum data set (MDS): location, speed, driving direction, vehicle type, cargo type and a vehicle terminal identifier. The terminal can send a larger set of data via mobile data connection (e.g. GPRS) to a service centre, which is able to reroute the full data set (FDS) to the PSAP.

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