Flexible AC Transmission System

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FACTS or "flexible AC transmission systems" is a term that has been suggested for the use of solid state devices to control bulk power flow in transmission systems. The Electric Power Research Institute supported this idea, and many researchers have invested efforts on the value and potential of FACTS. At this time, it appears that the main value of FACTS lies in improving transmission capability; increasing the flexibility of power flow control (e.g., for wheeling or for economic dispatch); for controlling voltage (and var flow); and possibly additional advantages in lower voltage systems (e.g., distributioli systems).

The rapid development of power electronics technology provides exciting opportunities to develop new power system equipment for better utilization of existing systems. Such as enhancing the security, capacity and flexibility of power transmission systems. FACTS solutions enable power grid owners to increase existing transmission network capacity while maintaining or improving the operating margins necessary for grid stability. Supply of reliable, high-quality electrical energy at a reasonable cost is at the heart of the nation's economy. The electric power system is one of the nation's important infrastructures, and the infrastructure most closely tied with the gross domestic product. In view of changes in both the operating and business sector of the electric utility industry. Provisions of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, and electric utilities to provide open access to the transmission system have mandated these changes.

Several advanced methods are developed for maintaining a high degree of power quality and reliability under a deregulated environment. At the distribution level, flexible control strategies involve computerized automation of system control devices such as capacitor banks; under load tap changing transformers (Ultc?s) and voltage regulators. In the transmission system, a new method of achieving this control is through the use of power electronics based Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices. This paper provides a comprehensive guide to FACTS, covering all the major aspects in research and development of FACTS technologies. Various real-world applications are also included to demonstrate the issues and benefits of applying FACTS.The objective of this project is to create a multi-institutional power curriculum to address this new environment and technologies.

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