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This paper describes a kind of active camouflage system named Optical Camouflage. Initially,Camouflage is made understood and ?then the theory of optical camouflage is developed.Optical Camouflage uses the Retro-reflective Projection Technology, a projection-based augmented?reality system, composed of a projector with a small iris and a retroreflective screen.The concept of optical camouflage is? straightforward : to create the illusion of invisibility by covering an object with something that projects the scene directly behind that object. This system was conceived with the primary view in mind of concealing stationary or moving objects such as men, vehicles, or aircraft from view and has practical military, law enforcement, and security applications.
While new high-performance, light-transmitting materials such as aerogel and light-transmitting concrete compel us to question the nature of solidity, a new technology developed by University of Tokyo seeks to make matter disappear altogether. Scientists at Tachi Laboratory have developed Optical Camouflage, which utilizes a collection of devices working in concert to render a subject invisible. Although more encumbering and complicated than Harry Potter?s invisibility cloak, this system has essentially the same goal, rendering invisibility by slipping beneath the shining, silvery cloth. Optical Camouflage requires the use of clothing - in this case, a hooded jacket - made with a retro-reflective material, which is comprised by thousands of small beads that reflect light precisely according to the angle of incidence. A digital video camera placed behind the person wearing the cloak captures the scene that the individual would otherwise obstruct, and sends data to a computer for processing. A sophisticated program calculates the appropriate distance and viewing angle, and then transmits scene via projector using a combiner, or a half silvered mirror with an optical hole, which allows a witness to perceive a realistic merger of the projected scene with the background - thus rendering the cloak-wearer invisible. . The concept of optical camouflage is straight forward to create the illusion of invisibility by covering an object with something that projects the scene directly behind that object. This system was conceived with the primary view in mind of concealing stationary or moving objects such as men, vehicles, or aircraft from view and has practical military, law enforcement, and security applications.
??????????????????????????????????????????????? 1.Introduction
Various methods have been proposed to integrate the visual space. In the field of Mixed Reality, one of the most popular topics is about displaying a virtual object into real world However making objects virtually transparent, like in H.G. Wells? ?Invisible Man? can also be Seen as dream of human being. In this paper, we describe what could be called a camouflage Technique named Optical Camouflage.
Camouflage :-
Camouflage is the method which allows an otherwise visible organism or object to remain indiscernible from the surrounding environment. Examples include a tiger's stripes and the battledress of a modern soldier. Camouflage is a form of deception. The word camouflage comes from the French word 'camoufler' meaning 'to disguise'.
Natural camouflage :-
In nature, there is a strong evolutionary pressure for animals to blend into their environment or conceal their shape; for prey animals to avoid predators and for predators to be able to sneak up on prey. Natural camouflage is one method that animals use to meet these aims.
Military camouflage :
These were intended to daunt the enemy, attract recruits, foster unit cohesion, allow easier identification of units in the fog of war.The British in India in 1857 were forced by casualties to dye their red tunics to neutral tones, initially a muddy tan called khaki.
The United States was quick to follow the British, going khaki in the same year. Later in 20thcentury, digital camouflage patterns have been exprerimented on helicopters, battledresses &other vehicles. It is termed "digital" because much of the design was done on a computer and unlike other camouflage patterns, it is blocky and appears almost pixelated.
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