Now a days, India is the country which having worlds largest railway network.? Over hundreds of railways running on track everyday.? As railway has straightway running as well as it has somewhat risky and dangerous as per as general public and traffic concern.? As we know that it is surely impossible to stop the running train at instant is some critical situation or emergency arises.? Therefore at the places of traffic density, suburban areas and crossings there is severe need to install a railway gate in view of protection purpose.? Obviously at each and every gate there must be a attendant to operate and maintain it.? In view of that, if we calculate the places of railway crossings and such places where it would to be install and overall expenditure, the graph arises and arises at the extent.
??????????????????????? But, India, our country is a progressive country.? It has already enough economical problems which are ever been unsolved.? So, to avoid all these things some sort of automatic and independent system comes in picture.? Now a days automatic system occupies each and every sector of applications as it is reliable, accurate and no need to pay high attention.
??????????????????????? So, keeping all these things and aspects and need of such system our project batch tries to make such type of system with the help of various electrical, electronic and mechanical components.? The thorough and detail information as per as construction and working is concerned, it is discussed furtherly.
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An automatic control system is an arrangement of physical components connected in such a manner so as to direct or regular itself or some another system i.e. some controlled condition forming part of the system is maintained in a prescribed manner.
??????????????????????? Automatic control system have influenced the current way of life.? In recent year automatic control systems have been rapidly increasing importance in all fields of engineering.? Its application covers a very wide range from design of precision control devices to design of massive equipments used for manufacture of steel and other industries.
The need of automation is due to or advantages of automatic control system are :
WORKING of automatic railway gate control
In this project to lift the railway crossing gate D.C. series motor.? Gear and belt drive arrangement is used.? The relay at two points on the either side of railway crossing gate is used as shown in fig.? The relay will complete the circuit when railway will pass through if hence at that first time when rail will be near the gate, the gate will be closed and similarly when the rail will pass through the another relay which is mounted on the other side of gate, the relay will get operated completing the circuit.? Hence the motor will operate and with help of belt and gear drive, the gate will get opened.? In this way the automatic operation of gate takes place.? The gate which is unguarded, at such place the percentage of accidents is more.? Therefore to overcome this problem this system is capable.? As it is fully automatic there is no chance of failure due to human mistake.
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