
 Download your Reports for Floating Power Plant



The Inventor of floating power plant equipment had the privilege, after years of work on big and Voluminous rivers in the North of? ?Brazil, to analyze the ??behavior of ?river ?water, with respect ?to? the velocity and force of the water, in? ?times of flood? and drought. ?Also to acquire? sufficient? knowledge of and ?reconcile the potential energy of the river water, This is ?studied by ?the means ?of the ?mechanics of fluids ?and ?mechanical? engineering. This resulted in the design of a Floating power plant with equipment capable of generating electric energy on a large scale without prejudicing in any way the environment or the Region in which the invention may be installed. Innumerable possibilities were explored. By the application of invention as well as the benefits which would be brought to society on the whole. With the birth of this idea he commenced Gathering resources to place invention into practice.

Later prototypes were built and installed in the course of a small river close to the city of Belo Horizonte. These inventions will REVOLUTIONIZE ON A WORLD WIDE BASIS THE METHODS UTILIZED IN THE GENERATION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY. Soon after the installation of Floating Power Plant in the seas and oceans saw daylight in order to harness the abundant energy in them through tides and waves.

????????????? This seminar report takes you through the history of evolution of Floating Power Plant, an introduction to how an FPP works and its future.


Floating Power Plant Seminar Reports

A ?floating ?power ?plant ?includes ?a ?hull ?having ?a ?structure ?suitable ?for ?being?? movable ?at ?sea; ?A plurality of ?watertight ?bulkheads ?placed ?in ?the ?hull to ?a height ?of ?a ?freeboard ?deck, ?thus ?partitioning ?the interior of ?the ?hull ?into ?a ?plurality ?of watertight ?chambers; A ?power ?generating ?equipment ?for ?generating ?electricity, ?the power ?generating ?equipment ?including ?a ?plurality of ?parts ?separately ?installed ?in the watertight ?chambers; ?and ?a ?duct arranged ?to ?pass ?over ?the ?freeboard ?deck ?to ?couple the ?parts ?of ?the power ?generating ?equipment installed ?in ?the ?watertight? chambers to each ?other. The ?floating ?power ?plant can economically supply electricity to a specific district ?or ?to ?a ?specific facility ?that?? temporarily ?uses ?electricity, and ?can ?minimize limitations ?caused ?by ?environmental ?regulations, ?and ?can ?be ?used ?as ?an emergency electric power source. A? Floating power plant is one which works both on wind and wave power.

?????????????? Generally, power plants comprise equipment for converting thermal energy or mechanical energy into electrical energy, rotate a turbine using an energy source, such as water, oil, coal, natural gas, or nuclear power, and generate electricity using a power generator connected to the turbine. Such power plants have typically been classified into water power plants, steam power plants, nuclear power plants, etc. according both to the kind of energy source used in the power plants and to the power generation method. Furthermore, tidal power plants, using tidal energy, wind power plants, using wind energy, geothermal power plants, using subterranean heat energy, solar power plants, using solar energy, and magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) power plants, using magneto-hydrodynamic energy have been actively studied in recent years for practical use thereof as power plants in the future.

????????????????? Furthermore, in the case of a specific district, where a great quantity of electricity must be temporarily used, or of a district under development, which requires a great quantity of electricity, it is necessary to build a new power plant at the district to meet the electricity requirements of the district because there is no alternative plan. However, the installation of a new power plant in such a district must be accompanied by high investment and time consumption. Furthermore, if the amount of electric power consumption is remarkably reduced, or if the facilities using the electricity are removed, so that the use of electricity is discontinued, the power plant built in the specific district suffers from economic inefficiency.
In an effort to solve the problem, electricity may be supplied to the specific district by extending the existing electric power supply network.? However, the extension of the power supply network limits the quantity of electricity that can be supplied to a district.
Waller Marine has played an important role in the reintroduction of the Floating Power Plant (FPP) since the late 1980?s when the Company was asked to inspect the power barge ?Impedance?; a barge constructed with steam generating technology that was first used in the Philippines by the US Army in 1940.Since that time, Waller has been involved in development, design, construction and operations of numerous power barge projects using all available generating technologies, different fuels and cooling systems.


  • Floating power plant can freely movable at sea or river.
  • The Floating power plant can economically supply electricity to a specific district or to a specific facility that temporarily uses electricity, and can minimize limitations caused by environmental regulations, and can be used as an emergency electric power source.
  • The floating power plant is freely movable on the sea, so that the power plant is not limited to the place. Thus, the floating power plant can be moved to any district having facilities requiring electricity or can generate electricity on the open sea or river
  • Floating power plant overcomes problems of conventional land power plants and, particularly, solves the problem of the waste of land caused by construction of power plants on land, and thus reduces environmental pollution.



  • FPP as a problem with end-user power demand and supply not being synchronized.
  • The access to the installations is critical when working off-shore.
  • Infrastructure is costly when working off-shore.



The original rational for the early FPP today remains fast track capacity where you need it at low financial risk, but new reasons are surfacing that are taking the FPP to higher levels of ?capacity and complexity.
Restricted, high demand areas, such as New York City, where land restrictions preclude power plant construction and additional transmission is limited, can accommodate FPPs. The technical and commercial driver for FPP project is to convert associated power to energy source that is more easily transported to shore. This concept of offshore FPPs may be expanded to provide electrical power to offshore platforms and other production units thus eliminating the need for platform based generation and reducing overall emissions. This latter strategy is being implemented in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. Additionally the concept can be extended to provide power to future offshore installation, such as those contemplated for the importation of LNG and CNG in the Gulf of Mexico.
The FPP, being of modular, transportable design is also finding application to land based power generation. Since the world shipbuilding industry trends toward the lowest cost producer, FPPs are modular power plant units which can be constructed in the shipyards of Korea, Japan or China. Projects are being developed using barge structures to support diesels, gas turbines and CFB boilers, constructed in Asian shipyards for permanent land including the United States. The use of low cost labor and the efficiencies of machinery and equipment installation produced in a shipbuilding conventional plant installation in high cost countries.
More than 60 floating power stations are in operation around the world, deploying some 4 GW at continental shores where electricity is most needed. Though these feature a variety of power sources (including nuclear, gas and heavy fuels), most are power barges - they do not have their own propulsion systems and would have to be towed to desired locations. Some are of extraordinary size or feature novel designs. The largest of these, for example, is a 200 MW unit at Mangalore, southwest India, according to Waller Marine, Inc. The maritime services provider is also currently carrying out design work on an even larger project, a 520 MW combined-cycle facility that will provide power to New York City.


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