The Split-Cycle Engine functions by dividing (or splitting) the four strokes of the Otto cycle over a paired combination of one compression cylinder and one power cylinder. Gas is compressed in the compression cylinder and transferred to the power cylinder through a gas passage.
Graphene is a 2-dimensional network of carbon atoms. These carbon atoms are bound within the plane by strong bonds into a honeycomb array comprised of six-membered rings.
This paper describes that how combining these two may lead to a sustainable future by tackling problems like low mileage and low efficiency of automobile engines leading to low consumption of fossil fuels .
???????????????????? The need of the day is better transport systems, Ones which have better efficiencies without compromising the power and torque which we have gotten accustomed to with our petrol and diesel engines. Though electric cars seem to be a cleaner option they are not as they cause indirect pollution. we must realise that most of the electricity comes from burning coal and running cars from the electric grid will cause indirect pollution.
Many feel that the end of the IC engines is near. But the internal combustion engines still have a little bit of fight left in them. Before we shift to alternate fuels and hybrid vehicles we should realise that in today?s IC engines only 30% of the fuels? potential is utilised. The remaining gets wasted due to the compression stroke, friction, cams and other compromises and in the process generates a lot of pollutants.
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