Total Productive Maintenance


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????????????? Maintenance has a far greater impact on corporate ?profitability than most managers are willing to consider, much less admit .And, as the competitive environment in the world continues to increase the pace, companies are looking for new strategies to save on costs, develop employees to face future challenges and bring about a new culture at work place. This has become imperative to stay in business and have an edge over the competition. In this situation, a number of strategies like Total Quality Management, Kaizen, quality circles, ISO certification, six sigma and Total productive Maintenance are available and it is the management choice to selectively implement these in their workplace.


Seiichi Nakajima (1988) has defined TPM as an innovative approach to maintenance that optimizes equipment effectiveness, eliminates breakdowns, and promotes autonomous maintenance by operators through day-to-day activities involving the total work force. Thus, TPM is not a specific maintenance policy, it is a culture, a philosophy and a new attitude towards maintenance. The salient features of TPM is the involvement of operators in carrying out autonomous maintenance by participating in cleaning, lubrication, minor repair, adjustments etc. The benefits of TPM can be very tangible. There are organizations, which through implementation of TPM have been able to increase the production volume by 50%. Reduce down time by 27% and rate of defective products by 80%. In addition to tangible benefits, TPM also various intangible benefits such as fostering of teamwork, increase morale, safety and nurturing the work force increased intellectual capabilities having the potential of meeting today?s level of competition and challenges.


TPM descends from Japan and came into existence in the seventies. After Dr W Edward Deming made an impact in Japan through his teaching of quality, Japanese organization felt a need for autonomous maintenance and small group activities to support the quality movement. Today thousands of organizations all over the world are implementing TPM and about 100organisations are now doing it in India.


Total productive maintenance (TPM) is a proven strategy for medium to large industries to get superior business results and develop people skills to take on future business Challenges. Unlike ISO certification process, in TPM, focus is on maintaining the equipment and process in perfect condition- to get best quality products and involve all employees in Collectively carrying out loss elimination, using analytical problem solving tools. The fundamental belief is that if the equipment is maintained well and setting is done by a conscious, skilled operator, once can get the best quality product. The whole concept of TPM is built around this belief and hence the name total productive maintenance. However, this concept can be applied to places other than plant and equipment and instead we could name Total productive Management rather than just maintenance.??


????????????? There are different phases in implementation of TPM. The first one being, the preparation phase or also called the ` Phase Zero?. This is a very important period of time for aligning everybody for the program and also, do some preliminary mock-ups are also called Leadership model work. Once having convinced about the benefits and modalities, the leadership will make a master plan for implementation and allocate resources. This key point is a milestone and is called Kick off.

????????????? Then on, there are generally four phases for the implementation of TPM. There are key measures established for the results and pillar step activities start as per the master plan to achieve the goals established for each phase. The master plan is a great piece of work, which guides smoothly all activities and is fixed for a period of three to five years. This does not mean that it is rigid. It is dynamic and at the same time firm on objectives. The maximum activities are done in the first year, background and then they lead these pillar activities.

????????????? How do we achieve a good organization structure for implementing TPM without disturbing the normal organization structure and at the same time, identify leadership for TPM implementation, is the question.


????????????? The fundamental principle of TPM is to encourage autonomous maintenance and the best upkeep of the plant and equipment. Autonomous maintenance can?t be achieved without the support of skills training or best quality maintenance shop or leadership, in terms of organizing and providing budgetary support. Superior results can?t be achieved with out the support of the quality analysis and superior new equipment development .The also need a lot of support from administrative and support functions. A lot of documentation work is essential for standardization and re-application. This is why a number of pillars are created supporting TPM.

????????????? The following pillar structure is recommended to get full benefit of TPM implementation.

  1. Autonomous maintenance
  2. Progressive maintenance
  3. Focused improvement
  4. Training and education
  5. Early equipment management
  6. Quality maintenance
  7. Administrative & support
  8. Health, safety and environment

??????????? Besides these eight pillars, TPM will need Strong support of leadership and organization. These are like 8 pillars? in a building structure that support the whole TPM implementation. These are bodies of knowledge of faculty, created to support the main objective of achieving zero defect and 100 per cent employee involvement These pillars are complimenting each other and there are no conflicts. Each pillar implementation is step-by-step process and those steps are clearly laid out in the process diagram for each pillar.

????????????? A master plan helps the plant to understand the contribution of each pillar actively and when which has to be energized. There is lot of interaction or what we call ?give and take? between these pillars .Since it is difficult for one person to have all the knowledge of the all pillars , key people are generally trained in different pillars as per their interest and the journey and at different stages of implementation . The number shown against each item is average level of benefit achieved by TPM plants. In larger plants, this could amount to millions of dollars. Besides, there are innumerable indirect or intangible benefits.Total Productive Maintenance Seminar Reports



????????????? TPM is a practical and down to earth technique aimed at maximizing the effectiveness of facility that we use within our organization. The essence of TPM is team work, and at its very heart lies the motivation and encouragement of the people who work within the organization. Today thousands of organizations all over the world are implementing TPM and about hundred organizations is now doing it in India.

By having a complete re-look at the whole gamut of manufacturing activities encompassing design of the product, its specification, size and shape of material used for the products, application of value analysis and value engineering techniques, optimum utilization of resources including men, machines and materials, we will be able to achieve complete Total Productive Maintenance. In short, ?achieving the maximum result for every ?money spent?.


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