To make an engine which can generate mechanical energy from a heat of candle. And use of rubber bladder is to store energy and release it in down stroke.
Technical details:
A Stirling Engine is an extremely efficient device at extracting energy from heat differences (i.e. one side hot and one side cold) and it can be run from any fuel or energy source from the sun, to a candle, or from burning wood to the heat from your hand. Best of all, it is surprisingly simple to make a working model stirling engine from readily accessible free or cheaply available parts and without expensive tools.
A Stirling engine uses the Stirling cycle,? which is unlike the cycles used in internal-combustion engines.
Innovativeness & Usefulness:
The Stirling engine is an efficient engine that requires outside heat to operate. Because of this, the effect of pollution is eliminated. Stirling engines can operate on different types of fuel, including natural gas, propane, gasoline, diesel, bio-fuels, and sunlight. One of the best features is the extra-quiet operation of the machine, along with the capability of burning slowly. Many engines can be used as a heat pump when driven by a motor or another Stirling engine, which allows them to be used for space conditioning, refrigeration, and cryo-cooling.
Material Used With Dimensions:
-aluminum sheet metal
-foam board
-1/8" dia. steel rod
-1/8" thick steel plating
-3" inner dia. plexiglass tube
- Rubber bladder (ballon or football bladder)
-3/8" dia. rod
-3/8" inner dia. steel washer (6)
-small cork
-wood for support stands
-hairspray cap
Procedure to make :
Once we collected all of our materials, we could finally begin building our engine. We started by constructing the base for our entire engine. This was made entirely out of sheet metal. We folded three rectangular sections down from a square center to allow the base to stand freely. By leaving one side of the base open, we could easily slide a heat source underneath once the engine was complete. Next, we attached our displacer cylinder, the plexiglass tube. We utilized silicone caulking and sealed the plexiglass tube onto the aluminum base, creating our displacer cylinder. Afterwards, we created our displacer piston and our piston rod. The displacer piston was created using foam board. The foam board was cut into a cylinder with a 2 7/8" diameter and 3/8" high. This left 1/16" one both sides of the piston, allowing some air to flow by the piston but not too much. The dow rod was used to create the piston rod. First the rod was cut to a length of 1 1/2". At the top of the rod a hole with diameter 1/8" was drilled. This was done so we could attach the connecting rod. Using the milling machine, we cut part of the dow rod our, to allow space for the connecting rod. Finally, the piston rod was inserted into the displacer piston and glued into place. After our first piston was finished, we began making the top plate. Like the base, this was also constructed out of aluminum sheet metal. A 3/8" hole was drilled in the center of the plate to allow room for the piston rod. Next the plate was place over top of the displacer cylinder and sealed into place with silicone caulking. The six washers were then glued together and placed around the piston rod. This was to add stability to the rod during the engine's stroke. Next we constructed the power piston. The hairspray cap served as the cylinder for this piston. A 1/4" hole was drilled in the bottom of the piston. A matching 1/4" hole was drilled in the top plate, beside the displacer rod. The power piston cylinder was sealed onto the top plate so the holes aligned. Next we cut the open end off of a balloon and placed it over the power piston cylinder. The cork was then placed inside of the balloon. This would serve as our power piston. Once the pistons both were assembled we started manufacturing parts for our crankshaft and connecting rod. All of the connecting parts and the connecting rod were constructed out of the 1/8" steel plating. These were constructed accoring to the strokes of the various pistons (approximately 5/8" for the displacer piston and 1/2" for the power piston). Everything was finally connected using the 1/8" steel rod. 1/8" holes were cut into the wood and it was utilized to create supports for the crankshaft. Our final step was to attach our cd to the crankshaft as our flywheel.
Status of Development:
After much research on the various engines, our group began to make a design for our engine. We worked out all of the details for the dimensions of our project. This was a very important step in the design process, so we would have a definitive plan to follow to build our engine. After completing all of the nessecary drawings we started to collect materials to build our engine.operation of screw jack without bulky accessories or power loss can be challenging. But still this is one of the easiest projects in mechanical
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